Chapter Thirty Nine

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Morgan's POV

"Well Morgan, this is where we part ways again." Kaden said.

Today was the day she returned to Canada so we were at the airport dropping her off—and by we I meant Hayley who wanted to accompany me and Monique who Hayley dragged with us —somehow getting her to accept— and to say Kaden was surprised as well as enchanted when she saw the dark haired woman arrive to the airport, would be an understatement.

"Finally!" I exclaimed in a jokingly manner.

"You don't fool me Morgan I know you will miss me, I can even see you trying to fight off tears." Kaden punched my arm lightly, making me chuckle. I saw her turn her sight towards my... Hayley—we haven't really addressed what we are right now, she wanted to take some time to think and I respect it. It makes me lose sleep sometimes, but I'll wait for her forever if that's what it takes.

"I won't miss you Duvall," my best friend admitted... I couldn't exactly tell if she was joking on that or not, probably not, knowing their history.

"Feelings the same Stone." Hayley replied with a obviously forced smile.

Lastly Kaden looked at Monique, a rather arrogant smirk on my best friend's face, "The best for last, right? Are you going to miss me doll face?" The nickname earned her a roll of eyes from Monique.

"We met once, there's nothing to miss."

"Yet here you are."

"Against my will." Monique responded.

Kaden shrugged at that, "Doesn't seem like it for me."

"Then get your eyesight checked."

"Oh I'm seeing just perfectly darling, don't worry about that." Kaden could only stare at the other woman with a love struck face... maybe she did like her after all. I didn't really take Kaden that seriously given to the fact that they only just met... and Monique doesn't seem to have the same interest on her as my best friend apparently is.

Monique let out a short genuine laugh—the dark curls on her messy bum bounced as she did, "It was good to meet you Kaden."

"Well you are more than welcomed to come visit me in Canada."

Hayley and I glanced at each other in confusion while our two friends flirted... kind of flirted I guess? I'm sure we were both as confused. Hayley was throwing a look my way that basically said 'are we missing something' I could just shrug in response. But I'm pretty sure that we weren't.

"Have a safe trip." Monique responded with a brief but genuine half smile.

It was time for Kaden to aboard now—a bittersweet feeling to having to say goodbye again to my best friend, it was the same as the first time years ago when I had seen her car drive away. That then followed with us drifting us more and more apart as time went by.

Maybe this is our second chance, make things right this time around—same with Jason.

"See you when I see you then," she brought me in a hug once again—this time shorter but with much strength.

"Be safe." I mumbled against her shoulder before breaking the hug.

Kaden nodded with a smile adorning her face. "Bye Morgan."

"Bye Kade." I watched as she walked away towards the boarding door—not turning around once to glance at us.

After we weren't able to see her anymore we left the airport—I have picked up both Hayley and Monique so I was their ride back. I had proposed to go out for lunch, but Monique had some things to take care off apparently and Hayley did not respond anything to it... making me rather nervous.

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