Chapter Twenty Eight

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Morgan's POV

They days went by fast and soon enough it was Hayley's mom's funeral—it took us two days to get everything settle for the burial. Despite Hayley's catastrophic relationship with her mother and the fact that it was just going to be us two and my parents at the ceremony, she still thought that her mom deserved at least a proper resting place.

We watched as the casket was slowly put down in the hole in the ground—we have been silent almost all day, or more like Hayley has. She doesn't cry anymore but she doesn't talk much lately either, she's been so distance, I understand why though and I've been trying to give her space but I just wish there was something I could do to help, but I also know that I can't—not really, not with this.

It pained me to see Hayley so hurt and soul—she had put on shades not to cover her tears, because she was not crying, she put them on to cover the bags under her eyes from her lack of sleep these past three days.

When the casket was finally buried under the ground, we all put the flowers we have brought over it—Hayley being the last to do it, throwing just a single white rose.

"Hope you do better in death than you did in life." Hayley said looking down at the grave. I watched her walk away and before I could follow her I was stopped by my mom.

"Let her, she wants to be alone."

"But I don't want her to be." I retorted earning a pointed glare from my mom.

"That's not your choice, Morgan."


My mom stayed looked at me while my dad told her he would be at the car. "You two should go by the house later," she said with concern in her voice.

"I don't know mom, maybe, I'll let you know later." I stared at the path Hayley had walked moments ago.

I felt my mom's hand on my shoulder followed by a light squeeze, "She just needs time."

"Yeah, I know."

She sighed and retracted her hand, "I need to get going, your dad is waiting and we have to pick up Matty from school later."

"Sure, go. I'll go see if I can find Hayley in a moment." My mom was hesitant of leaving me, but after giving her a reassuring smile she did.

My best guess of where Hayley could be is the car, I doubt that she would be walking around the cemetery. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket—it must be Michael again, I told him today was the funeral and he has been checking on me all day. Also apparently Elizabeth was not fond of me missing work without a notice and after just coming back from my vacation—but right now her and work are the least of my worries.

I found Hayley in front of the car doing what seemed like talking on the phone—and it didn't look like it was a pleasant conversation by they way she walked around and the frown on her face. I slowly approached her and she didn't notice me until I was standing closer to her.

"Don't ever contact me again." Hayley said before abruptly ending the call—her shades were now off and she looked stressed and angry— very angry.

"Who was that?" I was a bit hesitant on asking but I couldn't stop myself.

Hayley let out a dry humourless chuckle and leaned against the door of her car, "My dad."

My eyes widened—making obvious my surprise at the new information, "How did he call you? What did he want?"

"From jail, from where else? He was still legally married to my mom so I guess he got notified of her death." Hayley pinched the bridge of her nose and exhaled.

"And what did he say?"

"What else Morgan? That is my fucking fault, nothing I haven't heard before." I saw as Hayley clenched and unclenched her jaw in anger.

"It's not your fault."

"Yeah no shit," with that she walked to the other side of the car and got inside the driver's seat.

Patience. I'm gonna need a lot of patience these days because Hayley is hurting and grieving and unfortunately acting like a jerk is her way of showing in it.

"My mom invited us over," I said once she started driving.

"I don't feel like being out of the house... sorry."

"It's okay, I supposed you wouldn't want to, just thought you should know."

All I got from her as a respond was a hum—that was the only time we talked during the ride home. The silent has been prominent these past days, which is understandable, but doesn't mean I'm used to it. It's weird because Hayley and I always have something to talk about, even if it's about the dumbest things.

When we arrived to her apartment Hayley didn't bother to wait for me to go to her place, it was actually hard to keep up. I closed the door of the apartment behind me and watched as she walked to the kitchen.

I followed her and saw as she served herself a glass of wine, "What Morgan?"

"Isn't it a bit early to drink?" I watched as Hayley downed the drink and proceeded to serve herself another one while ignoring me.

"I'm not in the mood for judging right now."

"I'm not judging you."

"Sure you are not." Hayley walked pass me with the bottle in hand.

"Hayley," I followed after my girlfriend. "Can we talk for a moment?"

"No we can't." She didn't stop walking until she almost reached her bedroom door but I stop by putting myself in front of her.

"Because I don't want to, now can you leave me alone so I can fucking breathe?"

"What the hell is your problem?" Bad choice of words.

"I have plenty of problems, but right now it's you." I was taken aback by the answer so Hayley takes the moment to pass by me and into her room—leaving me dumbfounded.


I can't believe we went from I love you to you are my problem in the spam of three days. That must be a record.


A/N - Short chapter but important nonetheless.

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