Chapter Twenty Nine

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Morgan's POV

Things between Hayley and I were tense since the funeral—she just seemed to be irritated by everyone and everything. And I get it, I get that people have different ways to grief—but it was getting... harder for me everyday too.

It's been three days since the argument, I slept on the couch the first night and the other times Hayley let me in her bed, but she was still cold and distant. It bothered me that she didn't talk to me.

"Goodmorning." I said when I heard the door or her bedroom opening-not looking at her as I was busy cooking some bacon.

"Morning." Hayley replied shortly and went to serve herself some coffee—that is one of the things I do how to make properly.

I looked over at her and frowned when I saw her dressed in work clothes, "Why are you dressed for work?"

"Why do you think? Because I'm going to work." She finally faced me before averting her gaze to the bacon on the pan, "You're burning the bacon."


"Shit," I mumbled and turned off the stove.

I really suck at cooking.

"What I mean is why are you going in to work? You still have some days off." I followed her to the livingroom, yet she didn't bother to turn and look at or to respond. "For fucks sake Hayley talk to me!"

"What the hell do you want me to say to you Morgan?" She snapped and turned to me. "The funeral bills are not going to pay themselves—so sorry if I can't take as many days off. It's that what you wanted to hear?"

"Why can't you just let me help you out with the bills?" That was a topic we had discussed the day of the funeral, but it didn't go much further than me offering and Hayley refusing and putting an end to the subject.

"I don't need charity. I can take care of it myself." Hayley rolled her eyes and finished drinking her coffee in one go.

"It's not charity—it's me, your girlfriend wanting to help you out because I know your teacher job doesn't pay you much." I grimaced when I said that last part—it came out wrong.

You and your fucking big mouth Morgan.

"Right, because I'm just a teacher with a shitty salary. Very different from a CEO with all the money in the world, isn't it?" Hayley sneered before chuckling sarcastically.

"That's not what I meant— and Elizabeth doesn't have anything to do with this. It just came out wrong, I didn't meant it that way, I'm—"

"That's the big fucking problem with you Morgan. You never mean to do anything! You are always apologizing for committing the same mistakes over and over again because you haven't grown up. You are the still the same immature girl from high school that thinks a sorry fixes everything."

I scoffed, "Where did all that come from? You've just been dying to say it, haven't you?" I'll admit that her words really hit me—but they also made me realize, she's right about all she said. But right now I was more hurt and offended about it to think clearly.

"Yes. Because you are yet to realize it and you won't ever unless someone tells it to your face!" Hayley ran a hand through her blonde hair and sighed in frustration. "I sometimes think that we maybe rushed into this."

This is escalating way too fast.

"Wow, let's calm down, okay? A stupid fight is not worth our whole relationship." I walked closer to her and she shook her head.

"It's not just this fight Morgan. I have been thinking about this for days. You dropped everything for me in a second and I appreciate it, I really do. But I wouldn't be able to afford to do that and it's not fair to you."

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