Chapter Eleven

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Morgan's POV

"Should we get the lucky charms or the oreo o's?" I debated out loud as I looked at the two boxes.

"All of them!" Matty responded.

I looked at him for a second before shrugging and taking two of each and putting them in the cart.

After I picked Matty up from school my mom had put the two of us on groceries dutty— or well more like me, it wasn't the most entertaining thing to do but I'm helping my parents.

"Let's see what else is on the list..." I mumbled while I read the list my mom wrote for me.

"Cookies!" Matty exclaimed and moved his arms while he was sat in the seat of the cart.

"Buddy we just got you four boxes of cereal... but I guess cookies and other sweets for me as well won't do harm." I walked our cart towards the isle of candy's and all those things.

I grabbed some hot flaming cheetos, takis, sourpatch, doritos, pringles, oreos, monster cans — while Matty was grabbing all the chocolates he could his hands on. When I thought we were good on the snacks department I continued our search for the rest of the things on my mom's list.

As I was rolling the cart through the isle I accidentally bumped into someone while being distracted trying to make Matty let go of the cheese.

"Sorry," I said and when I looked up I was surprised.

"Morgan?" Marilyn Endo said seemingly as surprised as I was to see her. "Oh sweetie it's been a while now hasn't it?"

She walked towards me and engulfed me in a hug which I happily reciprocated. "It certainly has. How are you and Jiroh?" I asked when we broke away from the hug while she greeted Matty.

"He's perfectly fine, we just got back from our trip to the Bahamas two days ago. And you? How long have you been in town?"

"Just a couple of weeks, not that long."

"You're spending Christmas here?"

"Yeah it's been a while since I did and my parents missed me and so did I." I shrugged.

"That's amazing! It's been a while since Jiroh and I spend the holidays in town so we decided to do it this year." Marilyn squished my brother's cheek and Matty smiled. "Jason might be coming home too this year for Christmas. He's been living in Germany for some years since he got a job at the Volkswagen. Did you know?"

Jason is coming?

"Oh yeah I know he lives in Europe but I didn't know he was coming... it's been a while since we spoke—being busy with work and everything."

Marilyn's phone them began rigging and she gave me an apologetic smile. "That's probably Jiroh, I should get going. It was nice seeing you again Morgan. Don't be a stranger and go through the house on of these days," she said while bringing me into another hug.

"Sure thing, it was nice seeing you too Marilyn. Say hi to Jiroh for me."

"Will do. Bye." She smiled at me and my brother before walking away.

I let out a sigh and tried to put my mind back in the grocery list.

The rest of our shopping trip I couldn't get my conversation with Marilyn out of my head. Jason was coming home. I haven't seen him in six years and haven't spoken in one and a half. I'm kind of nervous but I'm not sure of why.

So I went back home with Matty and left him there with my parents after getting the groceries to the kitchen. I did take some of the snacks I bought before leaving though.

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