Chapter Thirteen

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Morgan's POV

Christmas shopping is the worst but at least I'm not doing it the day before Christmas—instead I'm doing it a week and two days before.

And of course I had to drag Hayley with me— after all once we are done here we are going to her apartment to decorate it. She didn't want too decorate it though, I kind of had to convice her to do it after calling her a grinch all day for three days. She's hard to crack but I can be annoyingly persistent whenever I want to.

I really wanted to decorate since my dad loves it and doesn't let anyone do almost nothing when we are decorating the house. This year he put this big ass snowman in the backyard and a fake Santa on the roof of our house over the chimney... but that didn't end up well as the neighbors called the cops on a night thinking a man was up on our roof, after that my mom made my dad put it down. However he replaced it with another gian santa to match the snowman, they were both filled of air so it was pretty easy to put them on the backyard.

"Do you even know what are you're going to get?" Hayley asked me as we strolled through Target with a cart.

"Not really, just the first things I see that match what I think my family would like and go with it. But I know I'm getting Matty an Xbox since my mom said no to the dog." I rolled down towards another section where I remember were the video games console. Maybe I spoilt the kid a bit since I gave him a new Nintendo switch just a few months ago but I enjoy spoiling my brother.

"What do games do you think I should buy for him?" I asked Hayley as I stared at the game isle.

"How many are you planning on getting him?" She stood now besides me.

"I don't know— five maybe." She nodded and began grabbing five different games and then game them to me. "GTA, Minecraft, Crash Nitro Fueled, Farcry and Mortal Kombat... seems right for a kid." I shrugged and put them on the cart.

Now I can scratch Matty off the list.

"How did you know what to pick?" I asked her.

"Well kids tend to talk a lot and when you work as a teacher in a preschool you tend to hear one or two things." Hayley said and continued to stroll the cart through the store.

"Don't you have to buy gifts as well?" I asked once I caught up with her.

"I already did the day after you invited me. I don't like leaving things for last minute—less of all Christmas shopping."

"Neither do I."

"This is kind of last minute as well Valentine."

"It is not last minute, I'm doing it with one whole week to spare."

"Still counts."

"Does not."

With a roll of eyes Hayley walked ahead of me again instead of continuing the argument.

At the end of our visit to the store I had everything I needed. I got each member of my family a gift—I got Hayley's gift yesterday. We bought the decorations for the tree and Hayley's apartment because she didn't have any. Luckily we picked the tree earlier today and got it to the apartment—all thats left to do is decorate it.

"Are you not going to help me take the things?" I asked as I opened the trunk of the car.

"We really do understand each other." Hayley said before leaving me behind on the parking lot of her building.


After I carried all of the things up to the apartment we started off with Hayley helping me wrap up the gifts and she had agreed to let her hide them here— Matty can be nosey when he wants to, he has been searching all month for the gifts our parents got him but he failed to find it every time—to be fair I never found the gifts when I was younger either so only god knows where they hide them.

"Do you have a favorite Christmas movie?" I asked while trying to wrap the Xbox along with the games. It was more challenging than it sounded.


"Which is it?"

"The Nightmare Before Christmas." Hayley responded as she appreciated her perfectly wrapped gift.

"I love that one! Want to see it after we are done here?"

"Sure, what's your favorite?" She put the gift with the others and gave me her attention.

"The Grinch." I grinned.

Hayley rolled her eyes and threw me a ball of wrapping paper to the face as I laughed.

When we were done with the wrapping gifts and put them all in Hayley's spare room—we got on with decorating the place starting with the Christmas tree.

"We need to live up the place a little, let's put some music." I suggested.

"Sure, there's a speaker on my room over the nightstand besides my bed, go get it." Hayley instructed me as she decorated.

I stood up and put a spare Santa hat on her head since I was wearing one too and went find the speaker.

I entered Hayley's room for the first time—the walls and floors were just like the livingroom and it had a big window besides the queen sized bed, it was a spacious room. I spotted the nightstand but I didn't see the speaker on it... but I did see something else. I grabbed the object and smiled at the Christmas themed Darth Vader snow globe that I gifted her years ago. I smiled—touched that she had kept it after so many years. I put it back down on it's place and resumed my search for the speaker.

"Hayley the speaker it's not there!" I yelled from her room.

"What!?" She stayed silent for a moment. "Look for it on the desk!"

"Okay!" I searched for it at the desk like she told and it was in fact in there.

Before I could exit the room I stopped myself when I got sight of something else. There in a cardboard full of pictures was a particular card of Yoda and Darth Vader. The one I had given her on our graduation day.

She kept that as well.

I bit back a smile and left the room before Hayley started wondering why I was taking so long.

"Found it?" She asked when she saw me enter the livingroom.

"Yep." I showed her the speaker on my hand.

"Cool, you're in charge of the music then."


I opened up spotify and played my Christmas playlist. This was the perfect time to. The first song to play was All I Want For Christmas of course—a timeless classic every year.

"Really?" Hayley asked as I sing-a-long to the song.

"Oh, I won't ask for much this Christmas. I won't even wish for snow!" I nudged for Hayley to sing with me but she just shook her head.

"No way."

"Santa, won't you bring me the one I really need? Won't you please bring my baby to me?" I sang very loudly and pointed at the blonde with a Santa hat on.

"Come on, here comes the part." I urged her and she shook her head again—smiling this time.

"All I want for Christmas is youu, babyy!" We sang together this time.

"Yes!" I celebrated my mini win on making Hayley sing.

The afternoon continued with us singing while we decorated — Hayley singing willingly this time. We also planned to bake Christmas cookies tomorrow—which Hayley was at first hesitating on believing I knew how to bake but in fact I do as I was always on cookies duty at my parent's.

We ended the day binge watching Christmas movies— among those Nightmare Before Christmas and The Grinch, of course. The night ended up with us falling asleep on the couch again, just that this time I'm not sure who fell first.


A/N - Some self promo time—check out my books Strike of Luck and Finding Paris if you can lol.

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