•3• Conference

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“Sometimes I love you
Sometimes I hate you
But there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss you”

Sir, what is your take on increasing forgeries with plastic surgeries?" the reporter questioned.

"Yes sir , have you ever done or would you do it on any person for money?" another one spat those sharp questions.

"No, I would never do such a thing . I do this job because it can also help people to live with confidence but I don't promote any of the illegal activities associated with it. " Dr. Kim Taehyung, the specialist in plastic surgery replied with a confident smile.

"Sir, we have also come to know that your wife is in coma now." one of the reporters said.

His confident smile, his composed gesture everything fell down.

"No personal questions please" the host warned the reporters.

But the reporters didn't stop as it was a juicy topic for the media.
"Yes Sir, it had also been predicted that she might never wake up and is only living with life support".

He contained himself, took a deep breath and held the mic again.
"Yes , my wife is in coma and she is courageously fighting for her life and I'll support her even if now I can't hear her or talk to her." he spoke shutting the mouths of all the reporters.

He had always been sensitive about his wife.

"I would like to end the conference here. And I thank you all for your generous attitude and precious time" Taehyung added which was a clear taunt to the reporters and their unprofessional behaviour.

And he left the studio.

As he sat in his car, he closed his eyes took a deep breath to calm himself but those images of his wife on death bed kept on bugging him and he was breathless after few seconds. He quickly loosened the tie around his neck, opened a few buttons of his shirt and took out the tablets from coat antidepressants.
Yes, he needed these not often but only when someone talked about his wife.

He breathing came back to normal and drove himself home.

As he entered his home, it was all the same dead silence. But what was more depressing was there wasn't much difference even when Yo-gun was fine because everytime either he was very busy or sometimes she herself was engaged in some work.

He plopped on the couch in the lobby after removing his coat. His hands were massaging his head when he realised that today he hadn't called his mother-in-law about Yo-gun's health.

*On call*

"Hello, mom how are you?" he asked his mother-in-law.

"Son, I am completely fine" she replied in her same scratchy voice.

"And..." he continued.

"And? about her?" she knew he was gonna ask about her only.

"Yes mom, how is she? Were there any improvements?" he asked all in one go.

"I think you know this better than me" she said defeatedly.

"Ok mom, take care of yourself and I will visit you both tomorrow" he said assuringly.

*call disconects*

"I wish I could turn back time" he said to himself and didn't even realise when he fell asleep on the couch.


Mi-ra was arranging the dining table for dinner as her father-in-law, mother-in-law and Jungkook came for dinner.

Petrified Love(JJK x Kim Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now