•19• The Surgery

870 49 29

dedicated to pareet

She had fallen asleep but he was wide awake.

No not Taehyung, but the person who had pushed her to edge of her sanity.
Taehyung had already fallen asleep on his work table with his laptop's light still on displaying searches about how to destroy a gps completely.

Indeed he was thinking about her, no not Taehyung just told you he is asleep

It's again Jungkook, he is wide awake still looking at the screen beeping on that location for a painful long time now. He was surely getting frustrated but curious too. How hasn't she moved from this place since last 24 hours.

Next day,

Taehyung woke up to find some noise in the kitchen. He walked his way to the kitchen while rubbing his eyes, but as he reached there his mouth hung open, she had prepared the breakfast... No not breakfast it was a freaking meal.

She chuckled nervously at his expression but asked him to try it and him not really caring that he hadn't even brushed his teeth started devouring the pancakes followed by the kimchi stew she had made.

She smiled seeing him eating like a child.
"I actually wanted to say Thank you but...
I don't think I could ever thank you enough for everything you have done for me"

He listened to her intently while slurping the soup and suddenly stood up catching her attention.

She looked at him as he slowly walked to her stopping only few steps away from her.

He was still cautious of her privacy. He never wanted to make her insecure or uncomfortable.

"Mira you don't need to thank me, and if you really want to thank me then do only one thing. Please smile more often, it looks good on you." he completed and casually walked upstairs to change but here she stood at her place.

Her heart was beating so fast in her chest that she feared he might hear her. Her cheeks flushed red and she couldn't decipher this feeling but indeed it was something new to her.

She shyly placed his dishes in the sink and was about to wash them when a pair of hands held hers scaring her.

"Hey hey I was just saying this is my work" Taehyung said but she saw now he was in his work clothes and now wanting him to spoil them she only nodded and started to wash them.

But a single pull caught her in his arms and her heart again started pumping so fast that she thought she might get a high bp.

"I told you Mira, you cooked so it's my turn to clean now." he spoke teasingly and started washing them not really caring how the soapy water was spoiling his shirt.

And she stood in the lobby watching him working in the kitchen as suddenly a thought crossed her sanity, "What if Jungkook was like this?" sje murmured in monotone.

Just then Taehyung's phone rang catching his attention, but staring at his soapy hands he asked Mira to put it on speaker.

"Where are you Taehyung?" a very familiar voice spoke shaking her body to the core.

Her knees became weak and soon she was on the floor on crouching position and Taehyung rushed to help but she quickly handed the phone to him and ran to the room she was staying in.

"Home" he replied with gritted teeth.

"Okay! Why this attitude man like I fucked your wife behind your back?" he joked which definitely triggered something in Taehyung as he immediately disconnected the call.

Petrified Love(JJK x Kim Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now