•22• Cold Combat

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"That damn bastard" Jungkook cursed under his breath while driving insanely towards Taehyung's home.

He had searched the whole of Manhattan, hell he had strip searched whole New York but there was no sign of her which pointed to only one thing, Taehyung had lied.

He shot at the lock with his revolver and barged in only to find silence.

He had fleed away.

He chuckled darkly while sitting on the couch when something caught his attention, his wife. She might be the key to make him spit her true location.

"See, I never wanted to stoop this low but you have pushed me to the edge."


"Sir, she is with us.", the man spoke in his thick English accent.

"Lovely" he spoke.
"Now bring her to me."

"But sir you are in Korea-" he was cut off by his remark
"So? Wasn't the deal to bring her to me?" his cunning nature was pissing them off but they had to comply to his orders when he was paying them such a handsome sum of money and moreover when their Godfather was involved with him.

Jungkook had ties with The Russian Mafia, be it professional or personal he never left an opportunity to make his presence known to these dangerous yet powerful people. And this was the only reason he was able to find out where they were within a few hours.

They tried to save themselves from the wrath of this devil but in the end destiny always sided with him.

"And sir what are we supposed to do with that man?" the man asked and Jungkook inhaled a shaky breath before answering blankly,

"Kill him."

His figure remained unaffected lying on the chair but his heart was in a turmoil. He just signed the death warrant of his friend or a betrayer.

On the other hand, Taehyung was lying on a bed where an old lady applied some ointments on his wounds. His eyes fluttered open and the first name which left his mouth was hers. The lady tried to calm him down but he removed that thick yet tattered blanket from his body. He was advancing out when her words stopped him,

" 제발 하지마 아들"

(jebal hajima adeul)

(Trans: please don't son)

He stopped in his tracks. He turned around to see it was a Korean lady. He wasn't familiar with her yet he got that motherly worried face.

"I don't know you son. But yet I know they are cruel monsters. They have asked you to meet at that place because that is their basement. It is a nightmare of a place. People whoever went in and weren't one of them never made out alive. You are a young man and just the age of my son. They didn't leave him and they'd do the same to you."
And as she ended her statement. Her weak composure was unsettling. Her shallow breathes narrated her broken state.

This lady here had lost her son to these monsters.

And she didn't want him to suffer the same fate.

She was a Korean, it was clear with her face and language and god knows why but Taehyung's sheer contempt to go to that place increased and this time he wanted to punish those monsters who made a mother so helpless.

She was an old woman without any support, her son was gone yet she was here worried for a nobody like him.

"Mother don't you worry about me. But yes I promise you I won't leave those guys for making you suffer like this.", he assured her while engulfing her in a hug even though he himself didn't know how he was going to do that.

He felt her body easing under his hold.

As he was going out, she handed him something he never thought she would have had.

It was a pistol.

Seeing his shocked face she slightly smiled and told him that her son was a police officer so it belonged to him.

It pained him to know that her young son who must have been her only support working jn such a respectable profession left him in an instant and she couldn't do anything about it.

He smiled sadly at her before tucking the gun in his back and rushed out of the building. Maybe his army training was for this moment only, gracious for it actually he knew how to use a pistol.

His mind was now thinking about Mira and his actions were in a haze, he was looking for a vehicle while looking at that small piece of paper which had the address but of course it was in Russian.

He handed the piece of paper not knowing much how to convey but the driver understood his destination and he surely saw that pitiness in his eyes and as he reached that building, tremors built in his body as the ominous vibes just got stronger.

He passed the hallway only to find those men on the staircase but as they saw him they slowly made their way up and gestured him to follow them.

On reaching the roof top, he saw they had kept her on what it seemed like old barracks while her legs and arms were tied and mouth completely gagged with a rugged cloth. His blood boiled seeing her nasty state and rushed to her side only to find her drooping figure, it seemed she was too weak and as he removed that cloth from his mouth he saw how dry her lips were. He thought: 'She must have been so thirsty'.

"Ay guys Look at the Romeo. Finally reuniting with his Juliet.", the man mocked him and at that moment he wanted to shoot all those six bullets in his head but he had to control himself because he also knew his pistol was nothing in front of their armed carries.

He was removing ropes from her wrists when he heard clinking of gun just next second he felt the end poking the back of his head.

His actions stopped and he raised his arms in surrender. His heart raced at a fast pace.

"Time over boy. ", the stubbled man said in his croaky voice only to click something in Taehyung.

Dash! Slide! Thud!

In a swift flip, the man was lying on the floor and his gun was in Taehyung's hands. Before he could think much, a bullet was fired at him to which his eyes widened and instinctively his body ducked barely dodging the bullet.

"Taehyung! ", Mira's voice grabbed his attention and the next moment he was standing behind her untying her stricted arms and legs but strangely no one dared to fire at him then.

One of the men directed the gun towards them only to be hounded by his superior.

" If there is even a scratch on her, we are deat meat you fucker. ", she whisper yelled but it reached Mira's ears who was closer to them than Taehyung. Immediately, her body moved covering Taehyung only to add to his perplexity. But he knew he didn't have time to waste.

Before they could make out what to do, Taehyung and Mira were already by the exit door still Mira's body guarding Taehyung's figure. Her hands grasped his overcoat as her body shuddered at every bullet he shot at those men. As he emptied the cartridge of the gun in his hands, his hands quickly reached reached towards his waistband and  fired the bullets from the pistol that lady had handed him over. At every bullet, his heart filled with gratitude for what he did for him.

She didn't realise they had reached outskirts of the building still running at their fullest until they found a small alley to which they hid themselves.

"Search everywhere. I want them both by end of an hour. ", that thick accent reminded her of that man to which her eyes quickly closed in disgust and her fingers clutched on Taehyung's coat even tighter.

He breathed heavily in the fear of being caught but still managed to sense her fear. His one arm protectively wrapped around her body hugging her shivering form close to him. Even he didn't know what kind of a relation he had with her but still he couldn't stand her tears.


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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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