•17• I got your back

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Mira's Pov

I thought I would feel some satisfaction after taking out my frustration on those people but whom was I kidding, those people didn't have hearts, they had no emotions other than greed and jealousy.

And soon I only felt fear for the consequences of my actions.
I knew Jungkook hadn't raised his hand on me since many days but it doesn't mean he couldn't do it now.

Just as I was thinking deeply I heard the door knob turning and I didn't even realise I was sweating profusely until he came so near my face that his breath fanned my cheek.

My steps staggered as I moved back in fear.

I will be fine
I will be fine
I will be fine

I was chanting this mantra when a sudden blow on my jaw sent me flying across the room.

My head hit the floor and my body stayed still in shock.

I was trying to look for any weapon for self defence when I felt a painful tug on my hair and I let out a scream.

"Ssh! You should have know better before opening your mouth and insulting me in front of all those people." Jungkook warned.

I don't know why but the tiniest hope inside me broke. I had thought after what he had made me go through that night he would be too guilty and ashamed to even lay a finger on me ever again but how wrong I was.

Her body convulsed in pain and she bit on her palm to not make any sound.

He had warned her if he heard any of her screams he would start the punishment all over again.

And he continued abusing her leg fingers. He stuck a thick stick between two fingers and then pressed them so hard that she thought they might break. He did it with all ten and then took her palms on his hand. He caressed them and placed a peck on her knuckle before...

Aah! Aaaah! She screamed in extreme pain as he did the same with her palm fingers as well.

After he was done, he wiped the sweat from his face before heading downstairs again to tend to his guests leaving her there on the floor writhing in pain.

After few days          

 Taehyung's Pov

Honestly taming this big bad powerful man was a tough job but I realised in only a few days that he liked my personality. I never faked when I started meeting him frequently, I was always just myself but he started to acknowledge my attempts. Soon enough we both came close enough to pay visits to each others home.

And isn't this what I wanted all along.

And here I was sitting in his games room. Well quite fancy I must say.

A poker table at the centre. Solitaire cards on the shelf side wise. And many more games but I couldn't bother more.

"Hey, it's your turn now." said Jungkook grabbing my attention.

We were playing chess and indeed it was my turn now.

My turn.

"Ahem, I was wondering if we could walk around the house as you know I am really keen to see those paintings you have told me about." I finally spoke.

Yes, one day when he was in a good mood he had offered me to take a look at some paintings by his wife and give them a chance in my art gallery.

But today, he was clearly pissed off by his own promise but he also couldn't deny when he himself suggested it.

Petrified Love(JJK x Kim Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now