•15• He Raped My Soul

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"You have destroyed me but trust me one day you will be destroyed more than me and that will be the day I get peace"
~ Mira


Mature content ahead

"Come on speak Mira, sit with me" instructed Jungkook.

She sat right beside him and silently followed his commands as he passed the plate filled with pasta to her.

She was eating it silently when he asked, " How is it?" she just nodded.

Her silence was getting on his nerves. He wanted her to speak but she hadn't. He knew she could speak now as he had heard her talking to herself in front of the dressing table.
This shocked him to see she was so broken that she was talking to herself.

He saw she finished her food and went to the room.

It had been a week since that day but she was still silent and hadn't uttered a single word to anyone.

In their room

"Speak!" he commanded.

He saw she flinched at his harsh tone but didn't speak.

"My lovely wife, whom I adore so much, today let's strengthen this bond of ours and give it a small gift" he cooed.

She gulped hearing his words as she knew where his words were heading to. But now she wasn't weak. No she was weaker! He had instilled that fear in her heart that now she just contemplated if he would hurt her or be gentle while doing it with her.
And she felt disgusted by her own self.
She was going to allow him to do anything with her just because he was physically stronger than her.

But that was not entirely the case because he had exhausted her mentally too. And now she just wanted peace from him from this life.

She saw him taking predatory steps towards her but what alarmed her more was his actions, he was taking off his clothes, his shirt halfway unbuttoned and she didn't know what she was supposed to do.

She was constantly look in his eyes trying to read his mind but today she couldn't. As if he had masked his emotions by something else.


This was the only readable emotion that lingered in his eyes. She unconsciously took a step backward and she heard him growl.
He hated disobedience.
Especially when it came from her.

She held tightly on her silk robe as she saw his hand extending towards her.

She waited for him to harshly remove that from her body but it never happened. He sat on the bed right in front of her with his shirt fully unbuttoned just hanging on his body and a sly smile playing on his lips.

She saw his hand reaching out for her and she quickly snuggled her head closer to her knees curling herself like a ball.

But she felt his touches on her head. She felt his fingers holding her locks and waited for him to pull them but he never did that too. He kept on playing with her silky locks.

Petrified Love(JJK x Kim Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now