•14• Betrayed and Hurt

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"Mera Dil Jis Dil Pe Fida Hai

Ek Dilruba Hai Ek Dilruba Hai

Ha Dilruba Hai Ek Dilruba Hai

Meri Ulfat Meri Wafa Hai

Meri Ulfat Meree Wafa Hai

Woh Dilruba Hai Woh Dilruba Hai

Ha Dilruba Hai Woh Dilruba Hai"


"No!" he shouted in fear.

Blood came from her nose, and her lips partially open as if she was dead.

Her face spoke for her condition.

And sadly it was nothing what she wanted.

She wished to live a happy healthy life but got the exact opposite.

He tried to open her eyes to see them and he saw they were rolled back.
Signalling her life was in danger.

He picked her up and ran like a beggar with his only priced possession left.

He placed her in the car and his butler saw him running and came after.

"Get everyhing prepared at the hospital" he ordered him in a shaky breath before dashing off to the hospital.

He checked on her every minute but what he saw was her lifeless body.

How the fuck did this happen? he kept on cursing under his breath.


"Calm down Mr.Jeon, it's nothing threatening, but-" the doctor was explaining as Jungkook interrupted "but what?"

He exhaled sharply before telling

"She might face some difficulty in speaking for a while or so, I can't predict but it will take a while".

As the doctor walked away, Jungkook now sat near her bed on a stool , his eyes fixed on her closed ones.

She opened her eyes after a minute or so, but as she saw him her breaths quickened.

She looked around for anyone else but there was no one except him.

which meant he could hurt her again

She was breathing heavily as she didn't even realise that she was crying until he brushed his fingers on her cheeks to wipe those tears.

She clenched her eyes tightly and wanted to beg him to stay away but she couldn't.

She feared him.
He was nothing but a monster.

She was cursing her fate when she felt his fingers tracing around her neck.
And her eyes shot open and she saw that divilish smirk again on his face as he traced that choker around her neck.

And then it hit her.

That was still on her.

She immediately looked for the anklet and realised that was also still on her body.

Her body visibly numbed under him.
His fingers were grazing her anklet now.

She whimpered.

She flinched as she felt his nails were burning her skin.

Petrified Love(JJK x Kim Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now