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Taehyung, Jimin and Hana were at their same restaurant drinking together

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Taehyung, Jimin and Hana were at their same restaurant drinking together.
Taehyung was pretending to be happy even when he was not, while Hana and Jimin knew how much their best friend was suffering. And one of them was very hurt at heart, that one was suffering too.

"So, Taehyung what have you thought about the future, how's Yo-gun's condition by the way?" asked Jimin.

And Hana also diverted her attention towards Taehyung but Taehyung couldn't answer anything.
How could he when she is not even alive? How could he even pray for her recovery when she is already gone?
But one thing he knew, he wasn't ready to tell them that Yogun was gone. He didn't know if he'd ever be.

"Taehyung Taehyung!" he now looked back to see Jimin and Hana calling him with worry clearly evident on their faces.
"Oh oh guys I am fine, It's just-" before he could say anything he was engulfed in a tight hug by Jimin who himself understood that his best friend is going through a hard time.

They told him he didn't have to talk about his married life if he is not ready for it. He felt blessed to have such understanding friends but he was guilty as well for lying to them.


Mira's days went by taking care of her mother as now she lived with her in the Jeon Villa. Her actions and emotions became strictly limited to her mother.
Jungkook often scolded her for small things but she ignored them.
He wanted her attention but she even stopped looking at him.

Both were in the bedroom, Jungkook was looking at his upcoming scheduled meetings while Mira sat on the dressing table removing her earrings and neck piece. She was lost in her thoughts when she felt a touch on her shoulder. She looked in the mirror to see Jungkook unhooking her necklace. She withdrew her hands and let him do it. He removed the necklace, his fingers intentionally touching her soft skin as her body tried to act numb but hunched her shoulders in defiance. He sighed and removed his hands from her body and laid on the bed waiting for her.

She also laid and just as she was about to sleep she felt him wrapping his strong arms around her tiny waist. She gulped at the possibilities of what he could do but all he did was
"Sleep, my love." he whispered in her ears and placed a peck on her back.

And she didn't even remember when she fell asleep in his arms.

Everything was so confusing. Taehyung's, Jungkook's, Mira's hearts were in a lot of insecurities, worries, fears, unsaid truth, spoken lies.

Next morning,

"Argh!" Taehyung groaned as his head throbbed badly in pain as he was having a really bad hangover.

He was massaging his temples as he brewed the coffee. Just then his phone rang ,
"Dr Kim, Dr. Park is still not here and now it has been already a week of his absence." the receptionist spoke making his eyebrows furrow in confusion.
I met him yesterday only. Why didn't he tell me anything about this?

Petrified Love(JJK x Kim Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now