•13• Not love, hate

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"Mmpphh... mmphh"

Muffled screams everywhere, Mira could only scream from the gag in her mouth as her arms painfully tied behind her back and her limbs almost numb from the harsh ropes. A black cloth round her eyes restricting her vision.

She was wriggling at her place when


She felt as if someone threw a glass right few inches away from her.
Scared by the noise, she was breathing heavily.
Quite unsure if she could scream anymore.

Just then she felt the blindfold being removed.
Firstly she couldn't open her eyes properly considering how long they were closed.
And as she opened them, it was him.

Her husband

She stiffened at her position as she saw the murderous look in his eyes.
She realised that she was in his mansion only, in the lobby but
she saw how casually he sat on the couch in front of her after folding his legs.

"Again running away"
"Such a coward you are!" he spat smirking at her condition.

She didn't speak.
He was being shameless she knew.

"Come on, speak now Slut!"

And yes he pulled the last string of her patience.

"How dare you?" she shouted with her cracked voice.

He smirked.

He walked to her as his orbs showed hatred for her.

I have been keeping you here and I have been telling you that

But you know what, now let's change it a bit.
Now also, you will stay with me only. At my orders, you will even breathe.
But the only difference now will be ,
This ain't love anymore.
This is hate.
I hate you.
But with all my heart.

He said so much that she was taken aback.
Because if he could do all this when he said he loved her. What would he do now to her?
Her body shivered at those thoughts.

" Welcome to a new life, Mrs. Jeon"
"And this will be hell for you.I promise." he said with so much assurance that it made her eyes tear but she sucked on her eyes.

"Since you hate me so much, why not return it to you as well." he said smirking.

"From today on, everything will be the same yet very different.
As now the whole reason of your existence changes.
Till now you've seen how much I loved you.
Now you'll suffer my hate.
And baby I promise brace yourself for it as it is gonna be a hell of a painful ride for you."

She shivered at his words as she couldn't control her sobs anymore.


Why always me?

"Please kill me if you hate me this much" she finally spoke.

His eyes darkened as soon as those words slipped from her mouth.

He pushed her against the wall as his fingers wrapped firmly against her throat.

"Don't you dare think about that!
You can't die.
You'll live in this hell forever. "
He barked on her face.

As he left her body, she fell on the ground gasping for air.

She was sobbing hard as she realised that her life just became worse than ever.

Petrified Love(JJK x Kim Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now