•12• Help

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"Am I gonna look exactly how you showed the picture"said the woman.

"Don't worry Ma'am, you'll be just fine" said Taehyung.

He was the best surgeon in Korea. Be it the celebrities or the businessmen everyone relied on him when it came to cosmetic surgery.

He was going to his home and as he reached home he saw a figure in front of his car. He tried to take a look while coming out of the car but he saw she was in a sitting on the edge of his door and as he went near he saw it was a woman. He nudged her shoulder a bit only to find her all alarmed and scared.

"Hey hey,  Ma'am calm down."he tried to calm her down.

But he saw her eyes wandered around inspecting the surroundings as if someone was following her.

And finally she managed to say "I-i need your help".


Jungkook's Pov

"Where the fuck is she?" shouted Jungkook very angrily.

There is no way she has left me again.
Her mother us still here and I can do anything to make her stay with me.

I just hope you aren't trying to escape again because now the consequences would be worse ,honey.


"Uhm How can I help you? You have not spoken a word since now." Taehyung asked confused by her behaviour as the lady had been looking around as if scared for her life and wasn't even opening her mouth.

Taehyung's patience was running out and he finally stood up to speak "Ma'am , I think you should leave now as..." but before he could complete he saw her pleading eyes filled with tears looking at her and he couldn't speak.

He went to the kitchen for a glass of water and as he returned he saw her removing her overcoat revealing her lean but moreover scarred body.

He was at a loss for words and opted to keep silent and listen to her.

"I-i need your help. Please change my face." she managed to say between her sobs.

"M-my husband is a cruel man. He has done this." she cried while lifting her sleeves showing ugly marks on her wrists and hands. Her side of lip still busted maybe a souvenoir of one of his intense beatings.

Taehyung couldn't understand how a person could be so cruel but then too he knew he couldn't intervene into any stranger's life.

"Ma'am, you should seek help from the cops. They can help you but I'm sorry to say I can't." he said shaking his head in defiance.

He saw her muscles tensed on hearing about calling the cops and she again pleaded him to help her.

" Please please I have read about you. You are the best plastic surgeon. Please change my face to anyone but please remove this face from my life." and this was the first time he had seen someone so eager to change his/her face. Everyone wanted to look prettier who begged him to change their faces but she was different.

She already looked like a goddess but wanted to get rid of this face which surely indicated how much she had suffered because of this pretty face of hers.

He thought and thought but couldn't agree because it wasn't something his job. This was surely a matter of domestic abuse and he wanted her to be free but in the legal way. And without thinking anymore he dialled the police for a case of domestic abuse.
He informed them as she had told him about Gangnam-dong the place where she lived and he knew it would be enough to ask the officials to reach the culprit.

But he didn't tell her about it. And this was his biggest mistake. He didn't know whom he was going to deal and what hell he was digging for her by doing so.

He just told her to approach the authorities and escorted her out.

She was a mess. She didn't know what she was supposed to do now. She just escaped from home and reached Taehyung in the hope of getting some help but he straight foward declined to help her.

She walked on the streets in the chilly weather. Her body shivered more at her thoughts than the weather. She didn't know where to go know. Just when she was walking she heard the noise. She kept on walking and soon started running as she felt the car behind her speeding.

She was running and couldn't comprehend when the car hit her knocking her unconcious.


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