•7• Flashback

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Taehyung's POV

Here, I was at the Gristoff's Restaurant waiting for my beautiful wife. We both were always busy and had least time to spend together. I had been waiting for her since 3 hours and had already gulped down 5 cappuccinos. It was a beautiful evening with gentle snowfall but my heart was palpitating fast reminding me of the words Hana had told me this morning.

In Morning

"Ok, today I'll be getting off work early" I told her while examining the reports of my latest patient.

Just then she told me about something unexpected. She confessed to me.
She hugged me tightly finding me off guard, and as I lightly pushed her back she tightened her hold only to kiss me.

That was it!

I pushed her hard on the floor even though I didn't mean to.
I was beyond shocked. I knew we had been childhood friends but I never considered her more than that. She was precious to me but as a friend.

"Why? Just why can't you understand my feelings?" she cried on the floor.
As I helped her stand, she cluchted my coat earning a slap on her hand.

"Hana, we are friends and I consider you a part of my family but it doesn't mean that you could say these things to me. I am already married to Yogun and I love her" just as I completed the sentence she huffed and pulled her hair in frustration.

"You know what Taehyung! I pity you." she said with so much of anger in her voice.
I was perplexed by her remark.
"Are you blind in love? Can't you see how much she loves or values you? For her you are just an extra, nothing els-" but before she could say anything I stormed out of the hospital but my mind was still on her words.

Am I an extra?

She loves me, right?

Why did she say these things? How could she say all of this?
And I again headed back to her to get the answers.

"Why did you say all of that?" I shouted on Hana with myself on the verge of crying.
"Why why did you spit all that nonsense?!" I blared while tightly gripping on her shoulders.
"I can't tell you. I just can't" she said defeatedly.
"Why!?" I shouted again.
This time it seemed to fuel her anger as she removed my hands from her shoulders and shouted, "You wanna know why, but can you handle it? Just ask yourself Kim Taehyung and the moment you'll be ready I swear I will be the first person to tell you the reason." and left the scene with tears staining her face.

I plomped on the ground as her words ringed in my head.

Morning flashback ends

If I say that I am not scared then it would be a lie. Because I am scared. I am very scared by the fact of her leaving me. I sat there waiting for her and that every second felt like the increasing distance between her and me. Just as I was about to call her I saw her entering the restaurent in a black off shoulder dress with her wavy hair complimenting on her beauty.

She sat in front of me and looked into my eyes as mine never left hers.
"Uhm Taehyung?" she called breaking the silence.
"Oh Thanks for coming. I thought you wouldn't be able to make time today" he added with a hint of disappointment and taunt.
"Um, about that ? Oh I ran into Jimin on the way so we chatted a bit and didn't even realise when time flew away" she said with a embarassed laugh.
"It's fine" and after that he talked about his day while she listened to him with her eyes fixed on the phone.

He then asked her the question which was troubling him this whole time, "Yogun" he said grabbing her attention as she slipped her phone on the table and listened to him intently.
"You still love me, right?" catching her confused by his sudden seriousness.
"Why so suddenly Taehyung? I mean did something happen?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.
After hearing her concerned voice he couldn't speak further as it might ruin her mood and changed the conversation into a light and funny one.

As they ended their dinner, he offered her a ride but she declined politely telling him that she had to meet a friend.

~Flashback ends~

After that incident with Hana, things became more formal between him and her and Yogun's death was a big shock as well. He became more silent and dedicated most of the time to his patients. He wanted to know everything about that night as well. The night she ran into the accident. He knew Hana knew something about that night but couldn't gather up the courage to ask her, not after the things she had told her.
He is scared that he might discover something which would break him apart.


What secret do you think Hana knows?

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