•4• Please

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“Love a person the way they need to be loved, not the way you want to love. It's not about you.”

*Car honking*

"Please, hurry up!" shouted Taehyung to the person in front of him as he was driving at the lowest speed and not even allowing him to overtake.

"Ugh!" he exclaimed for the nth time since the morning as his body was also not in god shape as he slept on the couch getting sore back.

Finally after few minutes he drove fast and reached his mother's house which was on the countryside. It was the place where he had kept Yo-gun for her medication as he knew she wouldn't be at peace in that busy city.

"Oh mom, how are you!" he cheered and hugged her.

"Oh! Oh! Look at you being all emotional when you had already met me less than a week ago" she joked.

He just smiled lovingly at her remark and went inside at the special room.
It was not a simple room. It's one wall was all glass which gave a beautiful view of the garden blossomed outside. It also was properly ventilated and the glass could be opened so it was airy and blissful feeing as if the room is outside in the wonderful weather.

And there was the bed where laid his beautiful wife whom he loved more than anyone. But her body was connected to the pipes and oxygen mask attached to her mouth.
She looked pale and she had also lost a lot of weight.
Yet for him, she was the prettiest woman in the world.

He opened the curtains and lowered one of the glass to let the fresh air fill inside the room. After that he sat on the stool beside her bed and did the same thing he had been doing since two years.
Two years since she is in coma.
He kissed her forehead and talked to her for hours telling her every detail about his week.


Today, Mi-ra insisted Jungkook to allow her to meet her mother.
And he allowed her but only at the cost that he would also accompany her.
She reluctantly agreed because she wanted to meet her and talk with her comfortably but now she knew if Jungkook would be there she wouldn't be able to talk or tell her anything.

She happily dressed as only the thought of seeing her mother cheered her mother because she was the only family she had and waited for Jungkook to get ready and take her to meet her dear mother.

For someone else it would be a normal thing but for her it was different because everytime she went out she would be accompained by two bodyguards as per Jungkook's orders who wouldn't leave her alone even for a second and moreover she wasn't even allowed to go out without Jungkook's permission.

Her mother has been a tumor patient.
She is being treated according to Jungkook's orders. And moreover she is the reason that Mi-ra has not left Jungkook.
She had to comply with all of his dominace and aggressions because she knows when he gets angry he becomes destructive and he wouldn't even spare her mother.

Both of them drove to the hospital and as thet entered it she realised it wasn't the same hospital where she had met her before and on seeing her confused expressions he spoke "Yes, it's a different hospital and maybe next time too it would be different because who knows when you would plan up to flee awaywith your mother" he ended with a vicious chuckle making her eyes wide in anger and fear.
She knew he was possessive but the pain he was giving her mother was not justifiable.

She entered the chamber where her mother laid on the bed. She went to her and stroked her hair gently when her mother suddenly woke up and started panting. She became afraid of her state and hugged her to calm her down. She calmed down as she saw her daughter but Mi-ra saw how she flinched badly and quickly hugged her even tightly when she saw Jungkook which clearly indicated how rough he must have been with her all this time.

Petrified Love(JJK x Kim Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now