•11• Reason of His Insanity

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Mira's POV

Why is he being so nice to me lately? I want to ignore him but everyday he does something unexpected and I could never look him in the eyes after that night. Gosh! I don't even know how I got so much drunk. I just wished he doesn't change to worse after this changed behaviour. I want to feel happy for his changed attitude but how can I be happy when I don't even know if it is even genuine or not. Okay, I will just try to act normal and maintain a poker face.

He has already hurt me enough and now I am not ready to be victim of any of his vicious mind games.

End of Mira's Pov

She had been moving around the house inspecting it for the very first time. He had always said it's her house too but she never felt so. She was in his study room rummaging through the shelf looking for something interesting when she pulled a certain book and the shelf turned around to reveal a safe and just as she thought the key was in that book only. She opened it as she never knew what harm could it do. But as she unlocked it she saw inside there was a metal box with some rusty smell and brownish appearance telling it must be an old one.

She gulped before taking out that box out of the safe, as she opened that box she saw some photos. She struggled to take a closer look as the photos were mostly torn or scribbled at some places. She blew on them to remove the dust and as she took a closer look her blood ran cold.

It was a family picture.
There was a small boy with big doe eyes suggesting it must be Jungkook as beside him stood his father but what troubled her was the woman who stood beside Jungkook's father. That woman completely resembled her.

And then it hit her, her first meeting with Jungkook, he was most fascinated by her face even when she hadn't uttered a word he told her she was a very beautiful woman catching her off guard. And since then how he has never caused a single mark on her face. It all came raining on her.

It was all because she was his mother's look-alike.

"No! no! no! This is not true." she screamed at the nasty truth.

Just as she was breaking from the truth she heard the clicking of door and there he was. Her husband, who made her life hell only for his selfishness.

"How dare you?" she heard his growl. She wanted to shout at him but as soon as she saw his bloodshot eyes with viens popping on his arms her anger subsided and overwhelmed by terror.

Jungkook's POV

I returned home to see my bedroom empty. Strange. Because she never goes anywhere other than the bedroom. I started looking for her only to see my study's door opened. I was normal until to my horror as I entered the safe was opened and she was there with my darkest secret. I was beyond angry. How dare she see this. She wasn't supposed to see this. Not now not ever. I lashed in front of her visibly startling her.

For the first time I wanted to beat the hell out of her. She was always  reluctant to me and I somehow had to bear with it but after this I knew she was gonna hate me. And so I no longer had to control myself.

End of Jungkook pov

She came forward gathering all the courage with that photograph still in her hand she pointed at picture wanting atleast an apology but all she got was an intense glare before he snatched the picture from and pushed her hard making sure she falls on the ground. And there he was, he slowly pecked the picture of his mother and delicately again packed it in the box and kept it as it was safely hidden.

And then he locked his ferocious eyes with her and walked to the door closing it scaring the life out of her. 

But he didn't exactly come after her rather opened a drawer taking out a pistol shining ready to be used.

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