•20• I'll keep my promise, I'll protect you

869 56 23

dedicated to @Mellyminho

A car was moving swiftly in this quiet night, soon an arm extended out of its window as that palm clutched a device.

And just as it was crossing the river he threw that device in those waves that no one can find it ever.

Her head was rested against the opposite window as her eyes shone with curiosity as if she hadn't seen a night like this before.

He wanted to caress her head but stopped himself. She looked so adorable and precious.

He knew now they were ready to start a journey where he had to protect her and she had to trust him.

But even now he couldn't understand what was between them. She wasn't his wife and he was no one to her but why it felt they knew each other for decades. Maybe this is how destiny works. They were destined to meet and heal each other.

"Mr. Kim , look over there someone is waving at us"

Her voice caught his attention. And there was someone waving at them but the problem was it wasn't just someone, it was Hana.

"Oh crap!" he was beyond confused how to solve this situation. She on the other hand was calm. It was because she thought she just have pretend like his wife but what she didn't know was how Yogun behaved. The relations between Yogun and Hana were always bitter so it wouldn't be as easy as she thinks.

"Listen Mira act like Yogun. She is Hana, my friend and yours too. Call me Taehyung. And remove this clip from your hair. You should act bold and confident understood. And be a bit rude too." it was all too much information all to take in at once.

"Oh hey Hana, what are you doing here all alone at this hour." Mira saw how his voice was laced with concern for the lady.

"Oh about that Taehyung my car broke down and the driver had gone for a mechanic as you see. Don't worry you guys go. He must be coming. " she said while peeking at Yogun a bit.

"And yes Yogun how is your health after everything?" she asked and she was baffled by her question. How was she supposed to react. What had happened to her Taehyung never told her about it.

She tried to speak but out of all the nervousness words seemed to have got stuck in her throat.

"She is fine now. Just a little weakness you see." Taehyung spoke for her.

"And you hop in this instant. I don't care if your driver is coming or not. He can bring the car home afterwards." he ordered.

"But-" Hana tried to deny but was cutoff by his hand and she knew Taehyung would not listen now until he drops her home safely.

Now, three of them were in the same car but something seemed a bit off for Hana. She wasn't getting those rude vibes from Yogun. Surely she didn't like her but since she was Taehyung's wife she still had concerns for her.

"Yogun, you tell how is everything now?" Hana spoke trying to ease the tension.

But Mira didn't listen at once. She was still not used to of being addressed as Yogun.
Taehyung seemed to have noticed that and tapped her shoulder lightly to grab her attention and now she looked all attentive but still lost.

Hana didn't know how to react to this.
She thought maybe Yogun got a real good injury on her head or maybe there is something else. But after that she didn't speak a word till Taehyung dropped her off at her home.

"Mira" he called her.

"Oh look, I still haven't accepted the fact that you are not here anymore. But you know what now it's enough. Enough of your freedom and feelings shit.

Petrified Love(JJK x Kim Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now