•10• Secret

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Jimin's POV

Where are you? I want to meet you. I want to say sorry and mend my mistakes. I know I shouldn't have fought with you.
What if you never loved me for real?

No no that can't happen. I won't let that happen. I will win you back even if it costs my friendship.

I must hurry to Namjoon hyung.
He must be knowing something about her.

End of Jimin's POV

He hurried to Namdong hospital. He hurried to Namjoon, the gynecologist. He was also his friend not very good but yet a friend. As he reached to him, he saw he was talking to someone but he couldn't care less and blurted "Hyung, where is Yogun right now? I only know she is under medication and seriously injured but I know nothing else. I've been searching for her ever since. I do love her a lot, I can't live without her " but as he completed he saw a face he didn't expect at all. There was Hana she had come to this hospital to meet a friend but never expected to find Jimin, her best friend here and that too confessing his love about Taehyung's wife. Her hand over her mouth in shock as she heard Jimin. And as she turned Jimin froze. He just told his secret.

But what he didn't know was Hana already knew Yogun was having an affair but she never even in her dream expected that person to be Jimin. She had been gathering courage to tell this thing to Taehyung but couldn't after seeing how much he loves her. She knows telling this to him would mean breaking him apart.

Her eyes teared up fearing Taehyung's state when he would come to know about this.
His wife was cheating on him and that too with his best friend.

Her blood boiled with rage and disgust as she glared at Jimin her eyes bloodshot shooting daggers at him. He gulped seeing her so furious and moved forward to explain God knows what. But she couldn't stand him anymore and rushed out of the hospital and he followed her. Namjoon stood there perplexed as he couldn't grasp the situation because all he knew was that Jimin and Yogun loved each other and this is how they have always met him. He knew nothing about Taehyung.

"Hana! Please, listen to me. Hana!" Jimin kept on calling her even on the streets while people passed him weird glances which he of course ignored. At last, he stopped her by grasping her arm from behind.
"Han-" but before he could continue he received a tight slap on his right cheek.
"How could you do this to Taehyung?" she roared.
"Jimin, how could you?" she spoke again but this time her voice quivered overwhelmed by emotions.

Jimin tightly held her shoulders as he felt her legs getting weaker and losing her balance. He felt extremely guilty not for loving Yogun but for hiding this from Hana. He knew she loved both him and Taehyung very much and could never withstand any problems or misunderstandungs between them.

He supported her body even though she resisted and helped her reach to the nearest lounge. She firmly insisted to leave but he saw she was not in the right state so he stubbornly stayed back with her. There he told her everything right from the start.
He told her how all of it happened.

Yogun had always been a very fun loving person. She always told me she wanted to experience every single place of the world. But as you know Taehyung was always busy so she started spending time with me. I also liked to spend time with her. We started going to places together where people often complimented us being a beautiful couple but I always corrected them that we were only friends. But as time passed I started feeling attracted to her but I knew it was wrong so I stopped meeting her. I started ignoring her messages and calls but one day she unexpectedly came to my house. I remember it was late night and as I opened the door I was shocked to see her at this late hour. I took her inside but now that I looked at her face it looked like she had cried for hours. She immediately hugged me and started crying. I got baffled and couldn't do anything but rub her back consoling her. But as I broke the hug I saw she was looking at my face with so much love that my mind went numb. It was the same love I had been feeling for her and now it was reflecting in her eyes. And we didn't even know when we kissed each other and after that we both accepted each others love. I used to feel guilty. There wasn't a single day I didn't feel guilty for Taehyung. I wanted to stop it  but she always told me he would never know about it and that she only loves me. I wanted to ask her to be mine completely and I did and that was I think my biggest mistake. It was that night only she ran into that accident because of which I have yet not met her. I often asked Taehyung about her whereabouts but he always seemed to avoid that question. I also couldn't even force him to answer that so that's why I have been looking for her in all these 2 years. I wanted to forget about her and let Taehyung have a good relationship. But what do I do with this heart which still belongs to her.

Hana was stunned by his confession. She wanted to be angry at him but couldn't seeing him himself so broken and desperate in love. She knew this feeling even better because this is what she felt towards Taehyung. She also wanted to forget about this love of her stop this feeling but as it is said love can't be controlled, it just happens. She after a lot of difficulty placed her hand on Jimin's shoulder who was sitting near her feet on the floor while she was on the bed his head on her lap. She placed both of her arms on his shoulder and helped him get up and hugged him. She hadn't forgiven him but she knew he needed this hug. He also hugged her tightly and cried like a lost child holding onto her tightly.

Now both of them had cooled down and were sitting on the sofa but there was still an awkward silence between them.
Hana finally spoke breaking the silence, "But you won't tell about this to Taehyung?" . He looked at her as she spoke and got confused as he expected her to push him to tell this to Taehyung but she herself was stopping him.
"I would tell him when the time comes." and hearing her say this Jimin's body tensed. He didn't even want to imagine the havoc it will bring in their friendship.

She stood up to leave but before leaving she spoke again, "I might be talking to you Park Jimin but trust me I won't ever forgive you for betraying your best friend." and left. Jimin's head hung low hearing her words as the word betray just stung his heart.


Thanks for reading!

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