Chapter 1: Moving In

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Jeff and Lynn are sound asleep in their bed, Jeff toss and turns tyring to fall asleep. Suddenly there's a bang on the door. He and Lynn sit up quickly, they exchange looks.

"Is someone supposed to be coming over", Lynn asks.

"Not that I know of", Jeff replies staring at Lynn.

There's a second bang on the door, this time much harder. Lynn grabs her chest nervously.

"You okay?", Jeff asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine just a little startled", Lynn assures him.

Jeff stands up and makes his way downstairs, Lynn right behind him. A door opens down the hall, Erica walks out nervously. Jeff motions her back into the room. He peeps out the window and he only sees his and Lynn's car in the driveway. He turns around towards Lynn and shrugs his shoulders. There's another bang on the door, this time more slowly. He reaches for the door, one hand on the nob and the other forming a lightning ball. Lynn touches his shoulder and shakes her head. He puts out the lightning bolt and reaches for a bat. He turns the nob and opens the door. As he's opening the door he sees a trail of blood, Grace lies on the doorstep coughing. Lynn rushes over to her.

"Grace, oh my god, what happened", Lynn asks examining her body.

Grace continues coughing up blood, Jeff stares at her in worry. Erica runs down the stairs swiftly.

"Jeff help me get her inside", Lynn says slightly raising her voice.

Jeff drops the bat and rushes to Grace, together they bring her in the house and sit her up on the wall. Lynn rushes upstairs to get her medical bag. Jeff gets on one knee and continues looking over Grace. Erica stares at Grace.

"Okay Grace, I know you're in a lot of pain, but I need you to tell me who did this to you", Jeff says. 

Grace coughs up more blood then tries to speak, her voice straining so bad Jeff can't understand her.

"Come on Grace, I need to know, who did this to you", Jeff says.

"The Elites", Grace struggles to say.

"The Elites, who are the elites?", Jeff asks.

"A new gang in Freeland, they invaded my apartment", Grace says.

"Do you know where they are now", Jeff asks.

Lynn finally comes back down with her medical bag.

"Grace baby don't talk, you need to save all of your energy if you want to survive this", Lynn says.

She hands Erica a towel to wipe Grace down. Jeff stands up and suits up. 

"Jeff don't, you don't what these people are capable of, Just call Gambi, and have him come over her", Lynn states.

"You think Gambi will have information on this situation", Jeff asks.

"I don't know but call him", Lynn replies.

Jeff pulls out his phone and walks into another room. Lynn begins bandaging Grace up, while wiping blood and sweat off of her. Grace continues coughing up blood. Lynn stares at her for a moment then reaches in her bag and pulls out a needle with an orange substance inside.

"This may hurt a little, but it's all worth it", Lynn says.

She sticks the needle in Graces and neck, and her whole body gets surrounded by Orange Antimatter. Jeff walks in looking at Grace in confusion.

" You injected her with Jenn's powers?", Jeff says.

"Yes, it was the only way to save her life", Lynn replies.

"But doing that is dangerous", Jeff says.

"When done on humans, Grace is a meta, she'll be fine, this could really help her", Lynn says.

"This could also really hurt her", Jeff says.

"No, I'm fine", Grace says standing up slowly.

Lynn rushes to hug her,

"Oh my god, are you okay", Lynn says.

Grace quickly tries to get Lynn off of her while grunting.

"Yeah, just sore", Grace says.

"I'm sorry, what happened to you?", Lynn asks.

"I was sleeping in my bed when I heard Shonda say door open, I quickly jumped up to see who or what was coming in and about 6 people with blue combat suits walked in, I tried to fight them off but they all had these new type guns, they literally put a hole in my chest, I morphed into a bird and glew out the window to you guys, if it wasn't for Jenn's powers, I would be dead right now", Grace says.

"Well it's a good thing you're not", Erica exclaims.

Just then there's another knock on the door. Jeff walks up to the door, he opens it. Gambi and TC walks in with computers. They set up on the kitchen table. 

"We looked up these Elite people and they are no joke, they have these new guns that can shoot through any suit, animal, or meta called DEG's", Gambi says typing on the computer.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking", Grace says.

TC smiles and walks up to her grabbing her hands.

"No really, are you okay", TC asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine", Grace replies.

He walks back over to the computers.

"So what did this gang want with Grace", Jeff asks.

"That's the thing, they're not a gang, they're a swat team private group hired by Freeland PD to take out any meta after the war with Markovia and the Fight against Evil Jenn, starting with Team Lightning", Gambi says.

"But Jenn, Anissa, Dionte, and Khalil are in Gotham", Jeff says.

"Exactly, which means, all of us here in Freeland are in danger", Gambi says.

"Well that's good we're all here, so we can stick together, until we figure this out", Jeff says.

"That would work, if all of us was here", TC says.

"What do you mean", Lynn says walking over to him.

"Brandon!", Jeff yells. 

TC nods.

"Erica and TC you two with me, Gambi stay here with Grace and Lynn", Jeff exclaims.

They run out the door. When they arrive to Brandon's house, Erica runs through, 6 men in blue combat suits are surrounding Brandon in a corner, kicking him. They turn and point there guns at her. Jeff burst through the ceiling making a electronic shield blocking the DEG fire. TC runs through the door and holds out his hand and pulls the guns away from the men. Brandon puts his hand on the ground shaking it, then men fall to the ground. Jeff rushes over to help Brandon.

"Grab your things, you're coming with me", Jeff replies.

"Why?", Brandon asks.

"They could have back up on the way, you don't want to be here to meet them", Jeff says.

"So why am I bringing my stuff", Brandon asks.

"Oh I didn't make that clear, your Moving In with me", Jeff replies.

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