Chapter 13: Crisis Averted

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"Jeff, this thing that has all of this power, isn't a machine after all, it's a person, and I think it's Brandon" Gambi says.

"What, how do you know?", Jeff says over the mic.

"Brandon has Geokinesis, meaning he can manipulate anything the earth contains, as in rocks, soil, and.....", Gambi starts.

"Earthquakes", Jeff finishes.

"And I also noticed the closer he got to the seismograph the more it went off, and the further he got the more it died down", Gambi says.

"Which would explain why when he and the girls walked in earlier the seismograph went haywire, and why the seismographs pinpoints have been at all location surrounding us.", Jeff says.

"Correct!", Gambi says, "and he's on the verge of exploding, mentally and possibly physically".

"Ok so is he still at the sanctum", Jeff asks.

"No, he stormed out, after the fight between you two", Gambi replies.

"Ok, I'll find him", Jeff says.

"Actually, I'm sending his location to your phone", Gambi says.

Jeff clicks off.

"Brandon's the Seismic Crisis", Jeff says to Grace, "so we have to find him.

Grace eyes get big.

"And what do we do when we find him" Grace asks.

Jeff says nothing and pulls out his phone and calls Barry.

"Hey Barry, I have news, Brandon is the Seismic Crisis, he's an Earth Based meta and he has the power to create any earthquake at anytime and any intensity", Jeff says.

"Ok where is he?", Barry asks.

"He's actually at my house", Jeff says confused.

"Send me the coordinates", Barry says.

"Will do!". Jeff says, "Let's go Grace".


Over at The Pierce Home, Lynn gets a knock at door. She gets up from the couch and walks to open it. 

"Oh hey, Mrs. Greenwood, what brings you by today", Lynn asks.

"Oh I came to see if I can borrow any sugar", Mrs. Greenwood says.

"Of course come on in", Lynn says letting her in then closing the door behind her. 

"You know it's weird, I thought you didn't even like us at one time", Lynn jokes walking toward the cabinet.

After grabbing the sugar, She turns and sees Ms. Greenwood charging at her with knife. She dodges it, and pushes Ms. Greenwood into the cabinets, the sugar spills on the floor. 

"And now my statement is confirmed", Lynn says.

Ms. Greenwood swings the knife at her again. This time Lynn grabs her hand and tries to take it from her, the two stumble into the living room and fall over the chair. When they stand up Lynn has the knife she tosses across the room. Ms. Greenwood runs for it but Lynn trips her making her fall. She climbs on top of her and pins her hands down. 

"Ms. Greenwood what is wrong with you?", Lynn asks. 

Just then someone kicks Lynn  in the side, she rolls off of Ms. Greenwood and onto her back. When she looks up she notices that it's all of her neighbors.

"What the hell!", Lynn says backing up to the wall.

Outside Brandon walks by still trying to cool off. He looks inside the house and sees Lynn being surrounded with a terrified look on her face, he turns and runs into the house. He runs into the Living Room. They turn and look at him.

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