Chapter 3: The Crisis

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Jeff picks up the Bionic Soldier and carries him out of Garfield. They take the Soldier back to the Sanctum. Gambi begins examining the bionic soldier, Jeff and Brandon hover over him. Gambi laughs nervously.

"I get that you guys, are interested in finding out what this thing is, but it's difficult to work with you two hovering, go home and get some rest", Gambi says.

"I get that, but I don't want to risk, this thing waking up and possibly attacking you while I'm gone, or even it being tracked down and more soldiers showing up to the sanctum", Jeff says.

"This place is cloaked, I removed the tracking chip, and if he wakes up, TC can take care of it", Gambi says. 

Jeff looks at TC who is sitting in the back talking to Erica, then back at the Bionic Soldier. Finally he turns and begins walking out, his phone begins to ring. On the screen the name Barry Allen appears. Jeff quickly answers.

Jeff: Hello, is everything okay.

Barry: No, the League request the presence of Black Lightning at an emergency meeting regarding the crisis. 

Jeff: Now's really not a good time, I'm dealing with my own Crisis right now.

Barry: Well if this Crisis is bigger than the world shattering than I'd love to hear it.

Jeff: The world shattering what do you mean?

Barry: I mean there's life on earth capable of shattering the world into pieces. 

Jeff: How do you know this?

Barry: For about a year now, there's been a shift, in the balance here on earth, but for right now that's all I know, which is why we need you in Star City like yesterday. 

Jeff: Fine, I'm on my way!

Barry hangs up the phone, Jeff suits back up.

"Where are you going, what's wrong?", Brandon asks. 

"Nothing to worry about for right now, but I need you and Erica to get back to Lynn and Grace", Jeff says.

"Okay, but are you sure everything is okay", Brandon asks.

"Positive", Jeff says walking out and flying off.

When he arrives in Star City, Supergirl meets him up in the sky.

"Glad you could join us", she says.

"Didn't think I had a choice", Jeff replies.

"You didn't", Supergirl jokes.

They fly to the Meeting Lab. At the meeting Lab: The Flash, Superman, Batwoman, Hawk, and Martian sit waiting. Supergirl and Black Lightning walk in.

"Glad you two could join us, now lets get started", The Flash says sliding his chair closer to the table.

Jeff and Supergirl find there seat at the table. A screen pops over them. It shows data and analysis regarding the Crisis.

"Now, for about a year now, there has been a rift in the balance here on earth, now we don't know what caused it but there is definitely something off", Martian says.

"I propose we go city to city, country to country investigating abnormal seismic patterns", The Flash says.

"Do you know how long that would take?", Batwoman asks.

"I could do it in a Flash", The Flash replies.

"Even with your speed Barry there's no way in knowing exactly when and where a quake will happen", Superman states.

"Well how do news anchors do it?", Barry asks.

"They use seismographs and meters to detect them", Superman says.

"So we go to each news show and see if they have detected any weird seismic patterns", The Flash says.

"There's over 10 million news broadcast, that would take forever", Supergirl says.

"Again, I could do it in a Flash", The Flash replies.

"Listen Barry, some of us have a lot stuff going on, and even though your superhuman speed is useful, it isn't always necessary", Black Lightning says.

"It was necessary for you wasn't it", The Flash says.

Jeff smirks.

"And I don't see you coming up with anything either", The Flash states.

"Well first off you guy's are always relying on the ones on the ground to get stuff done, when we should be relying on the ones in the air, seeing that we're looking at the whole world, I suggest that we attach a seismograph to the satellite in space, that way we can monitor the weird wave patterns and check in with whoever is closest so that they can go inspect it", Jeff says.

Flash eyes get wide and he smiles a little.

"That might actually work, I can fly up there after the meeting, and attach the seismograph and Batwoman can monitor it and contact us if she sees anything weird", Superman says.

"I'll go to, for extra help", Supergirl says.

"Everyone just needs to stay on high alert, we never know when something bad will happen", Martian says.

"Okay, Meeting adjourned", The Flash says.

Everyone gets up and begins walking out. Barry runs up to Jeff.

"Hey man, I'm sorry for what happened back there, I'm usually the leader of the team and I like to put myself on the line to protect everybody else", The Flash says.

"We all are the leaders to our own team, but it never hurts to actually use the team we're leading", Jeff starts, "It's something I need to work on as well".

The Flash smiles.

"And I must say, that was a brilliant idea", The Flash states.

"What can I say, I know the sky", Jeff says taking off into the sky.

In the sky Superman and Supergirl fly up beside him.

"It's always nice to have a fellow man in the air", Superman says.

"Yeah and one that enjoys being up here as much as us", Supergirl says.

"Yeah, well, my daughter loves it even more than I do", Jeff says.

"The more the merrier", Supergirl says.

"Second that", Superman says.

Jeff smiles. Superman begins flying upwards. Supergirl waves goodbye and follows him.

"I will never get tired of that", Jeff says star struck.

He flies back to Freeland, Instead of going home like Gambi suggested he flies back to the Sanctum. The door leading to it has been broken into, He runs in nervously.

"GAMBI", Jeff screams.

"In here!", Gambi yells back.

When he enters the room, he sits on the floor comforting an unconscious TC. The sanctum has been destroyed and the Bionic Soldier has been taken.

"Gambi, what happened?", Jeff asks.

"They found the sanctum", Gambi replies.

"Who?", Jeff asks.

"The Bionic soldiers, they burst in here and TC held them off long enough for me to finish downloading all the information off the chip, I went and locked myself in the safe room and threw sleeping gas out at the soldiers, since they we're Bionic they only fleed the scene, but TC was knocked unconscious", Gambi says.

"Damn", Jeff says smacking the table.

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