Chapter 15: Looks Can Be Deceiving

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"Are you sure this is where Looker lives?", Grace asks Jeff as they truck through the woods. 

"No but this is the last place I remember her hanging out", Jeff says.

"Oh, cause it seems a little evil and creepy", Grace says picking cobwebs off of her shirt.

"Just like Looker", Jeff says.

They approach an old wooden cabin, 2 men stand in front of the door. 

"This must be it, why else would there be guards at the entrance", Jeff says nodding at the guards. 

"Should we take them out?", Grace says.

"Nah, we're here on business", Jeff says suiting up.

Grace begins to suit up but Jeff stops her.

"You need to be Thunder for this mission", Black Lightning states.

Grace nods and morphs into Thunder. 

"This good?", Grace asks.

She looks like Thunder from head to toe. Black Lightning just stares at her.

"Mr. Pierce, are you okay?", Grace asks.

"Oh yes, It's just been a while since I seen Anissa", Black Lightning says, "Let's go".

They move from around the bushes, the guards immediately point their guns at them, then drop them suddenly.

"Black Lightning, and Thunder, I've been expecting you", Looker says out of one of the guards mouth, "I actually thought your other side kick would be with y'all, how is she anyway, all put back together".

"This is weird", Grace says.

"We need to speak with you", Black Lightning states.

"Then come on in", Looker says. 

The men in front of the door, turn and open it for Grace and Jeff, they walk in and go down a dark hall, stopping and looking in each room. Every room containing a family, stocked, with blankets, food, and water! Jeff looks at Grace confused. Suddenly a door approaches at the end of the hall. They walk through it and Looker is sitting on the couch staring at a blank Tv, her back facing them.

"You know, it would be even better if it was on", Black Lightning says.

"It is on, just not visible to the human eye", Looker replies turning around, her eyes turned silver.

Grace squints her face.

"What's wrong dear, looks like you've seen a ghost, I mean I was about to become one, messing with you people", Looker says standing up.

"You people?", Grace asks quickly.

"Oh don't get all defensive, I meant metas", Looker replies, "Now what may I do for y'all?"

"I seen those family's you have staying here", Black Lightning says.

"Ok and?", Looker asks.

"I'm just saying, what you're doing is really nice, I just hope it's being done right", Black Lightning states.

"Done right, what are you saying", Looker asks.

"I'm saying, with people, such as yourself, they're always out to get something in return", Black Lightning says, "And I wanted to know what that was!".

"For one it's none of your business, but since I could careless what people think, I'll let you know, come have a seat", Looker says.

"We'll stand", Grace speaks up.

"Fine by me, but if you must know, I take over the mind  of one person out of each family, in exchange for food and shelter", Looker states, "They go out and do my bidding, then return the next day to be with there family".

"That's terrible", Grace says.

"That's helping!", Looker replies, "I'm getting them off the street, and giving them a place to live", Looker replies.

"You're getting them off the street, by sacrificing one of their own, to the street, that isn't a good exchange", Grace says.

"Look, I do things my way, and your sorry excuse for a team of metas can do things your way, but if you came here to critique my choices I have made, you can waltz back out the door  you came in", Looker says getting angry.

Neither Jeff nor Grace moves.

"Ok, then tell me why you're really here?", Looker asks. 

"You took over the minds of a few nearby people, and tried to harm a friend of mine", Black Lightning speaks up, "And I will like to know why!"

"Proof?", Looker asks.

"Excuse me?", Jeff asks.

"Do you have any proof that it was me that did it?', Looker asks.

"It doesn't take any rocket scientist to figure out it was you, I mean glowing grey eyes, in a trance like state, you're the only one that can do that!", Grace states.

"If you have no hard hitting evidence, then I deny all allegations", Looker says.

"This was a waist of time!", Black Lightning says turning and beginning to walk toward the door.

"Make sure you watch your surroundings Black Meta, Looks can be very deceiving", Looker says laughing.


The next day Jeff shows up to school, 8 new substitute teachers await his arrival in the front office.

"Just one second ladies, I'll give you your classroom list and badge passes, in just a minute", Jeff says walking past them and into his office. 

He sits down at his desk and pulls up the class substitute list. 

"That's weird, the teachers sub documents, weren't emailed in', Jeff says to himself.

He gets up and walks back out to the ladies.

"Excuse me, who called you ladies to the school today?", Jeff asks.

"I did sir!", Assistant Principal Amanda Chase says walking in.

"Uh Ms. Chase, what teachers are out today?" Jeff asks.

"Uh 6 teachers called in sick this morning", Ms. Chase starts, "So I took it upon myself to contact some close friends of mine, who have dabbled in the field of substituting".

"I would have loved and update about that!", Jeff states.

"I know, normally, I'm on point with this type of thing", MS. Chase says.

"I wouldn't know because again, you're new here", Jeff jokes.

They both take deep breaths.

"Well send them to their classrooms", Jeff says.

"Will do sir, and oh the ladies and I we're wondering if we could have an emergency meeting with you after school", Ms. Chase says.

"Uh yeah sure, but I have to run out when school is over to take care of a problem, then I'll be right back", Jeff states.

"Ok that fine", Ms. Chase says directing the women out of the office, each staring at Jeff weirdly as they walk out.

Jeff noes flares and he clenches his fist.

"I see your game Looker, and I'll be ready for it when it happens", Jeff states.

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