Chapter 2: "What the hell is that?"

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The next morning, Brandon is still a little confused as to why he has to live with the Pierce Family, he slept in Jenn's room since she's in Gotham. As he walks downstairs, he sees TC and Gambi on the computer in the corner. Lynn is in the Kitchen with Grace and Erica cooking breakfast, and Jeff is sitting on the porch outside drinking coffee. Lynn notices him and waves him over.

"Breakfast will be ready soon, so you can just chill till it's time to eat", Lynn says.

"Ok cool", Brandon replies.

He looks out on the porch at Jeff again, then decides to walk out and join him. Jeff looks up from his newspaper.

"Care to join me?", Jeff asks.

"Sure", Brandon replies walking and sitting in the rocking chair.

After a while, Brandon finally breaks the silence.

"Mr. Pierce, why am I here?", Brandon asks.

"For your safety and protection", Jeff says.

"But I'm a meta, I can protect myself", Brandon replies.

"How if you don't even know, what we're up against, it's always nice to have somebody to lean on", Jeff says.

"Mr. Pierce, I don't mean any harm, and I appreciate you guy's coming to help me last night, but I can take care of myself, and I think I'll do just fine at home", Brandon says.

"No you'll do just fine here", Jeff replies.

"Mr. Pierce, you're not my guardian", Brandon snaps.

"Nor do I want to be",  Jeff snaps back.

"Then you can't force me to stay", Brandon says raising his voice a little.

"If I was to force you, I would knock yo ass out, and lock you inside the house, this is me telling you for your own good", Jeff replies.

"How do you know what's good for me", Brandon says standing up.

"I know, you're a hothead, and you let your emotions get the best of you, just like Jenn", Jeff replies.

"We're not hotheads, we're just passionate and protective about the people we love", Brandon says.

"Which is why you need to stay here, form a plan, and protect Freeland and the people you love", Jeff says standing up.

"These people aren't here for Freeland, they're here for me, why, I don't know, and I don't need Team Lightning's help to beat them", Brandon replies.

"Here for you, Listen to yourself, They're not here for you, they're here to kill metas, meaning You, Me, Everybody in this house, even the ones who aren't in this house", Jeff says.

"Meaning Jenn and y'all just let her runaway to Gotham", Brandon says shaking his head, "Which is why I need to bring her and them back".

He tries to walk off the porch but Jeff cuts him off. 

"That's that hot head that I was talking about, you not thinking before acting, why would you go get Jenn to bring her where the people who are trying to kill her is at?". Jeff says.

Brandon slightly rolls his eyes, then shakes his head.

"No, one here is against you, and I guarantee, everybody cares about protecting their loved one just as much as you, just stay here and we can figure this out", Jeff says.

Lynn walks outside.

"Breakfast is ready", she says eyeing Jeff and Brandon then walking inside.

Jeff turns towards Brandon and raises his eyebrows, Brandon walks past him and back into the house, Jeff follows. After breakfast The boys gather in the living room, while the ladies clean up in the kitchen. Gambi opens up his computer to show Jeff and the boys what he's been working on.

"So I've done some research and this group isn't any ordinary group, I'm not able to get any DNA from Brandon or Grace, that may have been left by the group of men", Gambi replies.

"Which means what exactly", Jeff asks.

"I'm not sure, but I have away to find out", Gambi replies.

"How will our blood help you analyze these men?", Jeff questions.

"Not your blood, the blood from the Group of Soldiers", Gambi says.

"How are we suppose to get blood from them without really hurting them", Brandon replies.

"We don't have to necessarily hurt them, we can kidnap one of them", TC says.

"That sounds risky, what do we even need there DNA for?", Jeff asks.

"To get background information on where they came from and how they got to Freeland", Gambi replies.

"Well how do you suppose we kidnap them?", Jeff asks.

"Earlier I put out a fake news letter, stating a meta was spotted in Garfield, which there eventually will be", Gambi replies.

"And since they travel at night we can be there when they get there", Jeff says.

"Exactly", Gambi nods.

"Okay, tonight we go to Garfield", Jeff says walking off.

That night, Jeff, Grace, Brandon, Erica, & TC gather at Garfield. There's a sudden red laser on the floor. They look out the window to see the the men walking in scoping out the place.

"TC you take the cafeteria, Brandon the courtyard, Grace you take the science lab, and Erica you take the downstairs hallway, I'll get rid of one of them.", Jeff says.

The team all runs off. Jeff slips into the custodians closet, as the men walk by, Jeff reaches out and grabs the last man. He throws him in the closet and punches him, knocking him out. The lead soldier instructs them to split up and look around. The first soldier runs into the cafeteria, TC  jumps out ready to fight but the soldier kicks him through 3 food tables. TC shakes it off then begins throwing lunch tables at the man, stacking the tables on top of the soldier so he can't escape. In the science lab, the guard, examines the room, he looks on the last table and notices a frog sitting on the table, as he walks closer to the frog it morphs back into Grace and she kicks him across the room. In the hallway, the soldier creeps down the slightly lit hallway. Erica runs up behind him trying to tackle him but he backflips over head and kicks her in the back. She swings at him but he ducks it, and points the gun at her, she snatches it and swings it at him knocking him out. In the courtyard, Brandon stands in the middle of the grass, the soldier walks in and points his gun at him. Brandon's eyes turn white as he begins to pull dirt chunks out of the ground, Jeff walks through the door. The soldier gets ready to shoot, but Brandon throws the chunks at the soldiers face, he tries to run away from the dirt in his eyes, but Jeff back hands him. 

"Ow", Jeff yells rubbing his hand, "that felt like back handing a wall".

 Brandon calms down and walks up to the solider, they examine his body and realize the skin on his face is peeling to reveal a metal interior.

"What the hell is that?", Brandon asks.

"These soldiers aren't even real, they're bionic", Jeff says to Brandon, "And watch yo mouth".

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