Chapter 16: Paranoia Will Destroy Ya

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After school, Jeff leaves the building quickly, and goes to the sanctum. He texted the team and told them to meet him there. But when he arrives, Grace and Gambi are the only ones waiting. He walks toward Gambi and Grace, while Grace stares at the table nervously.

"Uh where's my team?", Jeff asks.

"You're looking at them!", Gambi says.

"What do you mean I'm looking at them, where's TC?", Jeff asks.

"He won't leave Erica's bedside, Lynn told him she'll watch over her while he's on missions, but he won't budge", Grace says.

"Understandable, where's Brandon?", Jeff asks taking a deep breath.

"He's not here", Gambi replies.

"Seriously, I took away his powers, I didn't kick him off the team", Jeff states.

"With all do respect Mr. P, I think taking away his powers is worse than kicking him off the team", Grace replies.

"I did it to protect Freeland", Jeff says quickly.

"Did you, or did you do it to protect Jenn", Grace asks.

"I'm not doing this today", Jeff says starting to walk off, "I'll just go talk to him, where is he?"

"He's actually not even here in Freeland, his coordinates went away the moment he hit Freeland Border, meaning he has officially left Freeland", Gambi states.

Jeff goes silent for a minute.

"Well then we'll have to make do with who we have", Jeff says.

"All right, what's the problem?", Gambi asks.

Jeff walks over and sits down.

"Ok, so before leaving Looker the other day, she told me to basically, watch my back, and now I believe some of the teachers, down at the school, are plotting to take me out", Jeff states.

"Ok, so what's the mission?", Grace asks.

"The Mission is to come with me to this Teacher Meeting, and help me out, if anything happens", Jeff replies.

"So a.... Body Guard?", Grace asks.

"No, Backup", Jeff replies.

"Well let's go", Gambi says grabbing the van keys.

A few moments later, they walk in to the meeting office. Ms. Chase and the other new teachers walk in. Jeff smiles, then nods at Gambi and Grace.

"I took the liberty of inviting our Superintendent and a Member from the PTA for this meeting", Jeff says referring to Grace and Gambi.

"That's fine!", Ms. Chase says sitting down.

"Alright, Let's begin", Jeff says.

"The first matter of business is the planning of our Homecoming, are we having a dance?", Ms. Chase asks.

"I really want to have one but the way the budget is looking, it might not happen", Jeff replies.

"I figured you'd say that,  which is why I took the liberty of preparing something", Ms. Chase states standing up.

Jeff jumps up quickly.

"Who sent you?", Jeff yells.

Everyone stares at him silently.

"What are you talking about", Ms. Chase says startled.

"What are you planning" Jeff asks quickly.

"A Dance if that's okay", Ms. Chase replies quickly.

Grace grabs Jeffs arm and sits him down.

"Carry on", Gambi states.

"Uhh okay", Ms. Chase says nervously, pulling down the projector.

"As I was saying, I decided that since we can't afford to rent a building or by expensive decorations, we have it on the football field and make the theme, "Super Bowl Sunday", we can have cheap Finger Food, Punch, A Little Music, and Halfway through the night, we can have a small talent show for the Halftime Performance, then announce the Homecoming Court", Ms. Chase says.

"Sounds good to me!", Jeff replies.

Ms. Chase continues.

After about an hour, the meeting ends and Ms. Chase and the teachers leave.

Grace and Gambi stand and walk towards Jeff.

"Well, I guess it was just a false alarm", Gambi says.

"No, I'm not crazy, there was definitely, something off with those Teachers this morning", Jeff says.

"Are you sure because, they seem alright to me", Grace replies.

"Are you calling me a liar?", Jeff asks.

"No, but I'm just saying, until we have proof that Looker has possessed one or all of these teachers, then we move forward", Grace states.

"I'm with Grace on this", Gambi says.

"Whatever, I know I'm not crazy", Jeff says turning to leave.

They all head back to the self driving van, and ride back to the sanctum. Just as they are about to arrive, a police siren, wails in the distance, and lights appear behind the van. Jeff walks to the front seat and pulls the van over, Gambi follows and sits in the passenger seat. The officer gets out of his car and walks up to the vans window. Jeff rolls it down slowly.

"License and Registration", the cop says.

"Oh, it's in the glove box", Jeff says reaching for his documents.

The police officer pulls out his gun quickly.

"YOU MOVE WHEN I SAY YOU MOVE", the cop shouts.

After an awkward silence, the cop nods toward the glove compartment, Jeff hesitates for a moment. then gets the documents, and hands them to the cop.

"Who was driving this van?", the cop asks.

"Me sir", Jeff says quickly.

"Really cause it didn't seem that way to me", the cop says.

"Well that's what it was", Jeff says a little annoyed.

"Are you talking back boy?", the cop asks.

"Boy?", Jeff says turning to the cop quickly, "I'm a grown ass man, I ain't no boy".

"That's it, out of the car", the cop says opening Jeff's door. 

He grabs Jeff's arm and slightly pulls him out the car.

"All of that isn't necessary", Jeff says yanking his hand away from the cop.

The cop jumps back a little, and his eye turn grey. Jeff looks at him wide eyed. Suddenly the cop pushes Jeff up against the hood of the car, and begins patting him down. Jeff clenches his fist and his eyes turn blue a little but he quickly calms down. After a few moments of patting Jeff down, he hands him his documents back.

"Alright boy, you're free to go", the cop says walking away from the van.

Jeff gets back in the van.

"Another one of Lookers attempts to take me out", Jeff mumbles.

Gambi stares at him confused.

"With all do respect Jeff, I don't think that was another one of Lookers attempts, I believe that was just another cop being an asshole", Gambi replies.

"Are you kidding me, his eyes were glowing, he was deranged, and he didn't even have a reason to stop us", Jeff states.

"I'm sorry Jeff, but that's not the kind of vibe I got from him, I think you might have a mild case of Paranoia", Gambi states.

Jeff takes a deep breath, then drives back to the sanctum.

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