Chapter 18: From Celebration to Confrontation

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That Friday, Jeff and Ms. Chase are putting finishing touches on the decorations. Once they're finished, they take a step back and look at their work.

"I must say, you planned a pretty sweet celebration", Jeff says to Ms. Chase.

"Thank You", Ms. Chase says, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go home and change">

"Of course, you gotta look your best if you're gonna accept that Administrator of the Year Award", Jeff jokes.

Ms. Chase smiles and leaves the gym. Jeff pulls out his phone and calls Lynn.

Lynn: Hello

Jeff: Hey, how's the serum going?

Lynn: It's almost there, I just have a few more things to add to it and it will be done.

Jeff: Ok good because I really need for this to work.

Lynn: It'll work Jeff, but for me to work, you have to stop calling.

Jeff: Fine, where's Gambi and TC, they should be here by now.

"Here we are", TC says walking in with Gambi.

Jeff: There they are, talk to you later sweetie.

Lynn hangs up.

"What took y'all so long?", Jeff says, "The party starts in an hour".

"We we're waiting for Ms. Chase to leave, what's the rush", Gambi asks.

"You two need to be in your costumes", Jeff says.

"Costumes?", TC and Gambi say together.

Jeff hands them a Black Clothing Bag.

After a few minutes they come back in wearing an all white button up and an apron.

"We are not wearing this Jeff", Gambi says.

"You have to, if we want this plan to work, you two, plus Grace when she arrives has to be dressed as servers", Jeff says.

TC shakes his head.

"Let's just hope Grace get's here with serum before anyone arrives", Jeff says.

Gambi walks over to his briefcase and pulls out 3 small cases and hands one to Jeff and one to TC.

"What's this?", Jeff asks.

"It's a wireless transceiver that goes into your ear", Gambi starts, "So we can communicate during the party".

"Ok good", Jeff says putting it in.

A few hours past and the party is at full effect.

"Where is Grace with that serum", Jeff says into the mic.

"I don't know but a lot of people are getting punch", TC says, "If she doesn't hurry, we'll be all out before the serum even gets poured in".

"Jeff maybe you should stall, until she gets here", Gambi says.

"How?", Jeff asks.

"I don't know, announce the Administrator/Teacher of the Year", Gambi replies.

"I made that up, it's not real", Jeff says.

"Well it's about to become a reality", Gambi says,

Jeff looks over at Gambi who nods at him to go on stage. Jeff takes a deep breath then walks on stage. He turns the microphone on and gives it a few taps.

"Ok, ok, can I get everybody's attention", Jeff says.

Everyone settles down and looks at Jeff. 

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