Chapter 11: Crisis Rising

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Jefferson Pierce is returning to Garfield, for the first time in a year. He walks down the hall. The students turn and smile at him, clapping. He smiles back at them. He walks to the front office, and through one of the office doors, straight to his desk. He takes a deep and breath and smiles, nodding his head. The assistant principal walks in.

"It's good to have you back.....Principal", the lady says smiling.

"Its good to be back", Jeff says.

"Garfield, was lost without you", the woman says.

"Thank You, and I didn't get your name", Jeff says standing up.

The womans eyes get wide, then she closes them tight and shakes her head. Jeff stares confused.

"How careless of me, My name is Amanda Chase, I'm the new Assistant Principal", Amanda says.

"New, then how'd you know Garfield was lost without me", Jeff jokes.

"Oh, New to you, these students are familiar with me", Amanda says.

"Well Ms. Chase it's nice to meet you", Jeff says holding out his hand.

She shakes his hand firmly.

"Good to meet you too", Ms. Chase says, "And as a welcome back gift, I've been notified to let you know that you have visitors".

"Really, already?", Jeff says looking at his watch. "It isn't even 9:00am".

"Yes sir!", Ms. Chase says.

"Well send them in", Jeff says walking back and sitting at his desk.

After a few seconds, Barry Allen and Kara Zor-El rushes in. Jeff eyes get wide.

"Flash, Supergirl, what are you two doing here", Jeff whispers, getting up quickly and closing the door behind them, "You two are gonna get me exposed".

"And saying our Field Names isn't!", Barry says.

"And we wouldn't have to come here if you answered any of our messages", Kara replies.

"Oh I'm sorry, This weekend has been, well, one hell of a weekend", Jeff says sitting down.

"Tell me about it", Barry says sitting down.

Jeff takes a deep breath.

"Wait what are you talking about, because I'm talking about being locked up", Jeff says.

"You got locked up?", Barry asks.

"Can we get back to the crisis at hand, then will circle back around for Jeff's story", Kara says.

"Oh yeah, we're here because this entire weekend the seismograph has been going off!", Barry says.

"Then why didn't you tell me to come to y'all", Jeff says.

"Because it's HERE, in Freeland", Kara says.

"What?", Jeff says quickly.

"Yeah, I mean off the charts, Do you have any clue, whatsoever about what can be causing this?", Barry asks.

"No I have no clue, because I haven't even felt anything", Jeff says.

"Seriously?", Barry asks.

"No, should I have?", Jeff asks.

"Jeff this thing has the strength of three of the deadliest earthquakes in the world combined", Kara says.

"Woah!", Jeff says sitting back.

"But for you to not even feel it is crazy", Kara states.

"That would explain why Freeland is still standing, whatever this is must be holding it's power instead of using it", Barry says

"Like a person?", Jeff asks.

"No, more like a machine", Barry says.

"So where do we go from here, where is the team going next?", Jeff asks.

"Actually we came here to Freeland!", Kara says.

"The entire Crisis Team?", Jeff asks.

"Most of them yes, and we kind of need a favor", Barry says.


Later on that day, the crisis team (The Flash, Supergirl, Superman, Batwoman, Hawk, Martian) is gathered at the sanctum.

"Are you serious, there's was a lady with bionic soldiers trying to probe you?", Superman jokes.

"I can't make this up, we were literally locked up, IN AN ASYLUM, If it wasn't for the brilliance of our team, we would probably be dead and probed right now", Jeff says laughing.

Flash walks up to Jeff and Superman.

"Black Lightning, we can't thank you enough for allowing us to use your sanctum as a lookout", Flash says.

"Yeah, and this Sanctum is amazing", Superman says.

Gambi walks to join the chat.

"Thank You, I designed it, and it's a pleasure to meet you", Gambi says holding out his hand to Superman.

"The Pleasures all mine, anyone with the brains and creativity to design and operate such an advanced level of equipment should be highly praised", Superman says.

"He isn't the only one that does stuff around here, I'm TC and talking to machines is kind of my thing", TC says walking up to Superman.

"TC! That's a cool name", Superman says.

TC's eyes get big.

"Superman just said my name was cool", TC whispers.

"Please stop!", Jeff jokes laughing, "Because that was the most pettiest way to come over meet Superman".

"No it's fine, this happens all the time", Superman says.

"Show-off", Supergirl says.

The Flash claps his hand. 

"Ok people let's get to work", Flash says, "So as we know the seismic patterns throughout Freeland have been going haywire"

"Yes, and there has been no reports of a disturbance", Supergirl says.

"Which leads me to believe that all this energy is being held somewhere until it needs to be used", Flash says.

"Now it would be easy to just go to each pinpoint of the last seismic patterns, but that's ultimately impossible", Supergirl says.

"Not necessarily", Gambi says, "TC do you think you can ask the machine the last 5 pinpoints of seismic energy".

"Sure!", TC says walking forward.

"Ask the machine?", Batwoman says.

"Yes, TC's power allows him to talk directly to any machine whatsoever", Jeff says.

"Really, I thought it was a metaphor for how good he is with machines", Superman says.

TC sits down in front of the seismograph. His eyes turn green as he stares at the machine. After a few silent minutes, he stands up. He walks over to a map of Freeland puts 5 dots on the map. These were the last 5 pinpoints.

"That's weird!", Jeff says.

"What is?", Flash asks.

"These last 5 locations are the locations where our team has been the most", Jeff says walking up to the map, "That's Freeland Asylum, That's our safehouse, Garfield, The Police Station, Hell that's even my house".

"Why on earth would the last pinpoints be places your team has been", Supergirl says.

"I don't know it's almost like they're following us", Jeff says.

The Team starts to exchange looks. 

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