Chapter 8: The Meta Hunt - Part 4

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"I promise you Mrs. Stewart we will find your family, in the meantime, you should go home and relax", Chief Shakur says.

"I'm not leaving", Lynn replies.

"But this can take some time", Chief Shakur says.

"It's time I'm gonna wait because I don't even understand how you lose 4 suspects", Lynn states.

"Well maybe your "friends" can help you!", Chief Shakur says referring to Lynn's Meta family.

"I don't know what you are talking about", Lynn says.

"Well ok then, you can stay", Chief Shakur begins, "But you can't wait in here, you have to wait out in the lobby".

Lynn hesitates for a moment then grabs her purse and walks to the lobby with Grace and Erica following. Chief Shakur leads them back to front.

"Okay it's wrong for me to keep you girls here, and it's about to storm, so go back to the safehouse and wait for me, don't let anyone in, don't go out, and please don't do anything crazy", Lynn says handing Grace her keys.

"Okay", Grace says taking the keys.

"I'll call if I hear anything", Lynn says.

Lynn sits down and Chief Shakur goes back into his office. Grace and Erica leave Freeland PD and go back to the Safehouse nearly missing the storm. Erica walks in the living room and lays back on the sofa. Grace looks at her confused.

"Really, all of this is happening and you're about to take a nap", Grace states.

"You heard Lynn, she made it very clear that we shouldn't do anything", Erica replies.

"Exactly, Lynn was a little too clear, which leads me to believe she wants us to do something, and she just doesn't want Freeland PD to know about it", Grace says.

"Well why didn't she just come back with us", Erica asks.

"Because she had to make it seem like, we aren't gonna do anything crazy, like I don't know go looking for Jeff and the Team, with her sitting smack dab in the middle of Freeland PD", Grace says. 

"You know that actually makes sense", Erica states, "But how do we find them, they said they were off the grid".

"Off the grid is just a term they use to say they can't find them, but with all of this tech I bet we can decipher where they could be", Grace says walking to Gambi's mini sanctum inside the safehouse.

She sits down on the computer, and begins looking at the last time their coordinates were shown. On the screen, a map pops up with roads of Freeland on it. 

"Okay look here, their coordinates were last seen leaving the Pierce Family Home, and they kept showing up until they got on Cedar Park Road, which is where they stop showing up", Grace says.

"Well Cedar Park Road is a dead in and if their coordinates didn't show up leaving this road then they are on this road", Erica states.

"Exactly!", Grace replies.

"Well look and see if any facility's are on this road", Erica suggests.

Grace types on the computer some more then some weird looking building pops up.

"Just this one, Freeland Asylum", Grace says.

"Freeland has an Asylum?", Erica asks.

"The better question is why would they be in an Asylum". Grace replies.

"I don't know, but we have to go to that asylum", Erica states.

"And do what we can't just walk in there", Grace says.

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