Chapter 19: The Book of War ~ Revenge

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Jeff and Grace continue walking into the building. Suddenly Grace senses someone behind her, she turns around and grabs their hand and flips them on the ground.

"Looker", Grace says.

Jeff turns to see Looker on the floor staring up at Grace.

"That's my name!", Looker says.

Suddenly a man runs up on Jeff and tackles him into another room. Jeff quickly jumps up and looks at who tackled him.

"Ishmael?", Jeff says.

"Black Lightning", Ismael replies pulling out his blade.

Jeff squares up.

Out in the hall, Looker kicks Grace in the stomach and jumps up. Grace grabs her belly, in pain. Looker stares at her confused. 

"You're not Thunder", Looker says, "That kick wouldn't have hurt her".

Grace looks up and Morphs into Wylde.

"Nope, I'm Wylde, pleased to meet you", Grace says kicking Looker back. 

Looker closes her hands and opens them to show long silver nails. She then runs up to Grace and tries to scratch her but Grace dodges them and grabs her and throws her into the wall. Looker back hands her and pushes her back, then tries to kick her in the stomach, but Grace catches her foot, and flips her backwards. Looker lands on her feet and runs back up again.

Back in the room Ishmael, swings his sword at Jeff, but Jeff dodges it and punches him. He shakes it off and swings the sword again, this time Jeff grabs his arm and throws him into the wall. On the ground Ishmael, swipes Jeff's ankle. Jeff grunts and bends down grabbing his Ankle. Ishmael kicks him in the face and jumps up. 

Back in the hall, Grace has Looker pinned to the wall.

"What's your plan, why do you keep bothering Principal Pierce", Grace asks.

"You mean Black Lightning", Looker says trying to escape.

Grace doesn't say anything.

"Besides, it's not my plan, it's Tobias's", Looker says.

"Tobias?", Grace asks.

"Yeah, he's a little upset that Jeff left us to rot in Freeland Asylum", Looker says.

"Like you don't belong there, I mean seriously, you took over half the administration at Garfield just to try and take out Principal Pierce", Grace says.

"Oh, it can still work", Looker says.

"Don't count on it, right now all the teachers at Garfield, are drinking a serum to remove that goop that comes out your body, so expect a delivery in 2-3 business hours", Grace says.

Looker snarls.

"So do me a favor and send Tobias a message, let him know, his planned failed", Grace says.

"Tobias is the least of your worries, with the League of Assassins getting ready to invade tonight", Looker says.

Grace eyes get big.

"What are you talking about?", Grace asks.

In the room, Ishmael has Jeff pinned on the wall with a knife to his neck. Jeff blinks his eyes and the lights go out. He grabs Ishmael's hand and takes the knife, then pins Ishmael on the ground, chocking him. He blinks again and the lights come back on. In the distance, Looker screams and a loud thud is heard. Suddenly, Grace runs up to the door.

"Black Lightning we have to go", Grace says.

"Why?", Jeff asks not looking at her.

"The League of Assassins is about to attack Garfield", Grace says.

"What are you talking about?", Jeff asks.

"I'll explain everything on the way, but we have to go NOW", Grace says.

Jeff takes a deep breath and punches Ishmael, knocking him out. Then jumps up and runs out of the building with Grace right beside him.

"Where's Looker?", Jeff asks.

"Oh I kinda threw her through the wall", Grace says.

"Did you get any information out of her", Jeff asks as the run through the woods.

"Yes, and you were right, she is controlling half the administration", Grace says.

"I knew it, why was she doing it?", Jeff asks.

"Uh, because Tobias is mad that you left them for dead in the Asylum", Grace replies.

"So this is Tobias's plan", Jeff asks.

"Yes, but more importantly, Looker had intel that the League has been in Freeland for 3 days, and get this, the leaders wife is none other than, Melissa Ghul", Grace says.

"Melissa Ghul, the task force leader", Jeff asks.

"Yep, and apparently, it was her idea to come to Freeland and take out metas she just needed a team to do it", Grace says.

"Great so not only does she have it out for us, she also knows our powers meaning they know exactly what to do to stop us", Jeff says.

Jeff slows down running then comes to a stop.

"We have to evacuate Garfield, call TC and Gambi and let them know what's going on", Jeff says 

Grace pulls out her phone but TC doesn't answer. She then tries Gambi but he also doesn't answer.

"Neither one of them answered", Grace says.

"Dammit", Jeff says, "Can you fly".

"Uh yeah why?", Grace asks.

"Because we're faster in the air", Jeff says getting ready to take off, "Let's go".

Jeff flies up off the ground and Grace turns into a hawk and follows him. When the arrive at Garfield, everything seems quiet. 

"Maybe they haven't got here yet", Jeff says to Grace.

"Think again!", a voice says behind them.

They turn around and Melissa Ghul and The League of Assassins stand behind them. They stare at eachother for a while then a man standing beside Melissa steps forward.

"I think it would be rude not introduce ourselves, to the people we're about to kill", the man says, "So my name is Ra Al Ghul, and this is the League of Assassins".

"I know who you are, but why are you here trying to harm us", Jeff says.

"Oh Black Lightning", Ra says, "You see your little team that you sent to Gotham for whatever reason, has been a pain in my ass, and they just happened to kill a member of my team, so I'm here to return the favor".

"My team wouldn't kill anybody", Jeff says.

"Oh but they did, and now we wanted to return the favor, I can't wait to see their face when they come back and one of their teammates is dead", Ra says.

Jeff snarls then turns to Grace.

"Go and lock the gym doors, nobody out and nobody in, tell Gambi to keep watch and TC to suit up and you two meet me back out here, I'll hold them off till y'all get back", Jeff says.

Grace nods and runs into Garfield.

"It's 12 of us Black Lightning, you couldn't hold us off if you tried", Ra says.

"Bring It!", Jeff says holding out his hands.

Ra smiles and bangs his cane on the ground. The members of the League begin charging at Jeff. 

Jeff puts his hands together quickly and when he takes them apart and enormous electrical force field forms and blocks him and the school.

"Someone learned some new tricks", Melissa says.

Jeff grunts struggling to keep the force field up. 

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