Chapter 7: The Meta Hunt - Part 3

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"That's my name don't wear it out", Tobias says smiling.

"But I thought you we're....", Jeff starts.

"I'm sorry do I know you?", Tobias asks narrowing his eyes.

Gambi catches on to what Tobias is putting down.

"How can we forget, the most powerful business man in Freeland, your name is always on the Channel 8, doing something great for Freeland", Gambi says.

"Gambi what are you saying.....", Jeff starts then catches on as well, "Tobias isn't just a Powerful Business Man he's a philanthropist as well".

"It's always good to see 2 fellow negros, supporting another", Tobias jokes.

"He's white", Jeff says pointing to Gambi.

"Could've fooled me", Tobias says smirking.

"Alright, this fandom is over, put them in their cells", Ms. Ghul says directing them into the last two cells, "I'm gonna go make sure the two little metas made it to their cells, guards you can leave them, they couldn't break out if they tried".

All of the Guards walk out.

Jeff walks up to the bars.

"Tobias, I'm still not sure how you're here right now but I appreciate you covering for us", Jeff says.

"I wasn't covering for you, I was covering for me, I'm not a meta I just inject myself with meta powers, But if they find out I knew you, they would definitely kill me anyway", Tobias says.

"Should have known you wouldn't just turn good all of sudden", Jeff says moving towards Gambi's cell.

"Gambi what are we gonna do", Jeff asks.

"There isn't much we can do, but I'm sure Lynn is working hard to get us out now", Gambi says.

"Yeah I wouldn't count on that", Jeff says remembering his argument earlier that day.


Ms. Ghul gets upstairs to the boys hall, Brandon and TC are in separate cells along with 3 other Random Black Kids.

"Is there a problem ma'am?", one of the soldiers say running up.

"No just making sure everybody got where they needed to be", Ms. Ghul says, "In a few hours we're gonna start testing and if they resist, kill them".

Brandon stands up and walks to the cell.

"I see what you're doing", Brandon says quickly.

"Excuse Me", She says turning towards him.

"I said, I see what you're doing", Brandon replies.

"Oh, and what is it that I'm doing?", Ms. Ghul asks moving closer.

"You don't care whether people have powers or not, you're just trying to get the Black Boys off the street, even if they aren't metas, you'll still kill them, for fun", Brandon says raising his voice a little.

"Do you really think I'm that cruel", Ms. Ghul says.

"No but I think you're that dumb", Brandon responds.

"Brandon!", TC says standing up.

"Watch your mouth", Ms. Ghul states.

"Why, we're gonna die anyway, you don't care about us", Brandon says.

"Of course not, but I do have morals", Ms. Ghul replies.

"Morals, having morals mean you wouldn't bring us here to be probed, you would just leave Me and Everybody in Freeland alone, we've been through too much already, that's having morals", Brandon says.

"No if I didn't have morals you would be dead already", Ms. Ghul says, "I'm trying to help Freeland".

"Freeland PD helps Freeland, Black Lightning helps Freeland, you're trying to harm Freeland", Brandon replies.

"Freeland PD is nothing, Black Lightning is nothing, and since you're so big on helping Freeland, you're the first to get probed", Ms. Ghul says, "

Brandon balls his fist up and grits his teeth. She smiles looking down at his fist.

"Go ahead, give me a reason to kill you", Ms. Ghul says moving even closer.

Brandon stares her down for a minute, then un-balls his fist.

"Exactly, now go sit back down", Ms. Ghul says.

Brandon turns around and sits down. She walks out, the soldiers following. After everyone has cleared out TC walks up to the bars.

"Why'd you do that?", TC asks.

"Why'd I do what?", Brandon asks.

"Why did you argue with her, now you're the first to be probed", TC says.

"I did it so that she wouldn't test these clearly innocent kids, if they squirm one time or try to run away, she'll kill them instantly", Brandon says.

"But now you're gonna get killed", TC says.

"Not exactly, I have a plan", Brandon replies.

TC looks at him confused.


Lynn, Grace, Erica, and Keith pull up to Freeland PD. They walk inside, Lynn instructs Grace and Erica to wait in the lobby, she and Keith walk up to the front desk.

"I'm here on behalf of Jefferson Pierce, Peter Gambi, Brandon Marshall, and uh Baron", Lynn says to the receptionist looking at Keith. 

Keith nods since no one actually knows TC's real last name.

"Okay one second while I pull up their files", the lady says.

She types on the computer for a while. Then after a minute or so she looks confused.

"Um, there's no one here with any of those names", the receptionist says.

"Excuse me?", Lynn asks.

Just then Chief Shakur comes out from the back.

"Lynn Pierce", Chief Shakur says.

Lynn turns and walks toward him.

"Um yes what is going on, that lady just said Jeff nor Gambi, Baron, and Brandon checked in here", Lynn says.

"I know, please follow me", Chief Shakur says.

Grace and Erica stand up and walk over. They all begin moving toward the door.

"Um no just Lynn can come", Chief Shakur says.

"No whatever you need to say can be said in front of everybody", Lynn says.

"Are you sure?", Chief Shakur says narrowing his eyes.

Lynn stares in confusion then turns to Keith.

"Keith, thanks for coming but I'll call you when I hear word on what's going on", Lynn says.

"Okay, that's fine", Keith says turning and walking out.

"These two are coming back there with me", Lynn states.

"Okay", Cheif Shakur says walking to his office.

They walk in and he closes the door behind them.

"Chief, what is going on?", Lynn asks.

"Jeff, Gambi, Brandon, and Baron never made it here", Chief Shakur replies.

"Oh my god, are they okay?", Erica asks. 

"We don't know, they we're right behind us, with the Meta Task force, we had their coordinates and locations thanks to the power inhibitors but now they're......", Chief Shakur.

"They're what?', Lynn asks looking confused.

"They're off the grid", Chief Shakur says.

Lynn stares at him then at Grace and Erica then back at him.

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