Chapter 9: The Meta Hunt - Part 5

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Over at Freeland PD, Lynn is leaving the bathroom. When she gets by Chief Shakur's office she hears him talking on the phone.

Chief Shakur: Black Lightning, I don't know if she has already got you, but I figure she has if you're not answering the phone. But if you're ignoring me because of our conversation earlier, this is not the time for grudges, innocent people need your help. I need your help!

He hangs up the phone and stands up to go to the bathroom. When he walks out Lynn is standing there. 

"Oh Lynn, we haven't found out anything about your Family yet", Chief Shakur says.

"Well if you would actually get out the office and look for them, you probably would have something", Lynn replies.

Chief Shakur stares at the ground. After a few seconds of Silence, Lynn says what's on her mind.

"Who was that?", Lynn asks.

"We're you eaves dropping?", Chief Shakur asks. 

"Cut the crap and tell me truth", Lynn states.

Chief Shakur takes a deep breath.

"Obviously you know or you wouldn't have stopped me", Chief Shakur replies walking past Lynn.

Lynn goes back to the lobby.


Back at Freeland Asylum. Brandon continues squirming in the chair.

"Why are you squirming if you have nothing to hide", Ms. Ghul says.

"Come on you're not stupid, and you didn't randomly select us", Brandon replies still squirming.

"Go ahead Earth Boy, say on video that you're a meta, so I can go ahead and kill you", Ms. Ghul says.

Just then one of the guards run in.

"It will have to wait Ms. Ghul, they're reports of a meta flying around Garfield with electronic powers", the guard says.

"But I have the suspect with electronic powers here", Ms. Ghul says.

"These are reports of a Female", the guard says.

"Jenn!", Brandon says under his breath.

Ms. Ghul quickly turns toward him.

"What did you say, who's name did you say", Ms. Ghul says.

"I didn't say anything", Brandon says.

"Oh well, it's fine, because we're gonna kill her on the spot", Ms. Ghul says walking out.

"Nooooo!", Brandon says getting angry.

His eyes turn white and he begins screaming. After a few seconds of screaming, the inhibitor breaks from around his neck, his arm burst out of the straps and he flies out of the chair, landing on his feet. He runs after Ms. Ghul but she has already left. He turns back and runs to free everyone. 


Over at the Police Station, Lynn still waits to see if there's any word on Jeff. Just then Chief Shakur burst out of his office. 

"I need every person with a badge in the car, Melissa Ghul's coordinates just popped back up at the end of Cedar Park Road, that's where they're holding them at the old Freeland Asylum", Chief Shakur says.

Police Officers grab their guns and begin walking out. Lynn stands up quickly.

"I'm going too", Lynn says.

"What, are you crazy, you're not going", Chief Shakur says.

"That's my family, so either I go or Freeland finds out who you call late at night", Lynn says.

Chief Shakur grunts then hold the door open for Lynn. She grabs her purse and walks out the door. 


Over at Garfield, Grace sees the combat vehicles approaching. She lands on the scoreboard and waits for them to arrive. She morphs back into herself so she can speak.

"Erica they're rapidly approaching", Grace says.

"Okay, I'm ready for them", Erica says.

The combat vehicles pull up and the soldiers get out of the trucks. Ms. Ghul walks in front in an all white blazer. The soldiers following carrying DEG's. Grace studies her face, body, and voice.

"Okay I got her, now get the hell out of here, and lead them away from Freeland Asylum", Grace says before morphing back into a bird and flying to Freeland Asylum.

Erica makes a big electronic cloud and throws it up in the air. The brightness makes Ms. Ghul and the soldiers shield their face. Erica takes off to the sky. Ms. Ghul instructs her guards to get back in the truck and follow her.

Grace gets to Freeland Asylum and lands on the ground. She morphs into Ms. Ghul and walks into the Asylum, where's she met face to face with Brandon, TC, Gambi, Jeff, and other prisoners. They all go into a defensive stance.

"Wait it's me Grace", Grace says quickly.

"Prove it, what did you get everybody for Christmas 3 years ago?", TC says.

"I was in a coma!", Grace says.

"Oh it is Grace", TC says running up and hugging her.

"You guy's did come to help", Jeff says.

"Of course, now how are y'all out of y'all cells?", Grace asks.

"Brandon got mad because he heard that Jennifer was in Freeland and Ms. Ghul was going to go kill her, so he broke out of his power inhibitor, then came to free us", TC says.

"Except for Lala, Tobias, Looker, and Ishmael", Jeff states.

"Most of those people I thought we're dead but ok, let's go", Grace says turning toward the door.

Just then Freeland PD burst in, Lynn runs in and runs up to Jeff and the Team.

"Melissa Ghul, you're under arrest for showing defiance towards our code of conduct", Chief Shakur says.

"Wait, I'm not who you think I am, see I'm actually......", Grace starts.

Jeff walks up and grabs her arms and puts them behind her back, then whispers in her ear.

"Grace, you can't morph back now or they will know our secret, just go with them and I promise we will find the real Melissa Ghul and switch you two out", Jeff says.

They walk behind Grace and put her in handcuffs and walk her out. The team starts to leave but Jeff stops them. 

"We can't leave just yet", Jeff says.

"Why not we have to figure out a way to catch the real Ms. Ghul and switch her out", Gambi says.

"Why go looking for her when she's coming back here", Jeff says.

"So we wait for her to come, hide out in the last place she left us, then take her down?", Brandon asks.

"We're not gonna be waiting here for her, but Team Black Lightning is", Jeff says.

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