Chapter 6: The Meta Hunt - Part 2

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Jeff and Gambi race over to TC and Brandon.

"Are you boys okay?", Jeff asks.

"Yeah we're good, what's going on", TC replies.

Chief Shakur walks in holding his gun, he looks at Jeff out the corner of his eye. Jeff flares his nose a little angrily.

"Jefferson Pierce, you're under arrest", Chief Shakur says.

"Under arrest for what?", Jeff asks.

"For being the Vigilante known as Black Lightning", Chief Shakur states.

He walks over and handcuffs Jeff.

"Black Lighting?", Jeff yells, "Haven't we been down this rode before, Freeland PD already investigated this case and found out I was innocent, Henderson led the investigation".

"Well Henderson is dead and I'm leading a new investigation, this is nothing personal", Chief Shakur yells.

"Really cause it feels that way, this is wrong, I'm innocent", Jeff says being taken out the house.

"A judge will decide that", Chief Shakur says.

Just then Melissa Ghul walks in.

"Take these 3 gentlemen for questioning, they may be metas too", Melissa says.

"On what grounds can you do that?", Gambi asks.

"On the grounds that I can have my Meta Hunters here kill you 3 and make it look like an accident", Melissa says.

"Gambi!", Brandon says balling up his fist.

"NO!", Gambi says grabbing his arms, looking him dead in the eyes, "We need to plead Jefferson's case, we have to go with her".

"But who's gonna plead our case", Brandon replies.

"Someone will definitely help us", Gambi says slightly looking up the stairs.

He unballs his fist and the follows Gambi and TC out the door. Once they have cleared the area, Lynn runs downstairs with Grace and Erica following.

"Uh Ms. Pierce, what do we do?", Erica asks.

"Uh just be calm, I have a friend who can help us out", Lynn says, "In the mean time we need to leave this house they could be back here to check for more metas".

"Where would we go, Me and Anissa's house has already been invaded", Grace says.

"We have a safe house", Lynn replies.

"It was destroyed during the war with TC", Erica says.

"Good thing we got it rebuilt, shortly after", Lynn says, "Now lets go!".


Jeff, Gambi, TC, and Brandon ride in the back of a box truck with power inhibitors around their necks.

"Are these even necessary", Brandon asks rubbing the inhibitor.

"Just be calm, this will all be over before we know it", Jeff says.

"I won't be so sure about that", Ms. Ghul says opening up the screen from the front seat.

"And why shouldn't I", Jeff asks.

"Because Freeland PD, was only gonna keep you in there to see if Black Lighting would show his face out in public, since we have the person we suspect sitting right here, I don't feel like waiting, so I'm gonna probe you", Ms. Ghul says.

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