Chapter 5: The Meta Hunt - Part 1

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"Alright the meeting has begun, I need all of my team quiet or I will throw you in the compactor and rebuild you again", a tall woman says.

The Bionic Meta Hunters sit on one side of the room while Freeland PD sit on the other side. On the board behind her there are pictures of The Pierce Family along with Gambi, TC, Erica, Grace, Brandon, Khalil, Dionte, Lala, and Looker.

"These are the metas we still have to hunt down and kill, now I get that you all have been working hard, but it isn't enough, we haven't killed a single Meta since we been in Freeland", the woman says.

"Excuse Ms....., What should I call you?", one of the men from Freeland PD says.

"My name is Melissa Ghul, You can call me Ms. Ghul", the woman says

Our mission was never to Kill the metas but apprehend them", the man from Freeland PD says.

"And why is that?", Ms. Ghul says.

"Because when the government hired you all, I made sure to let them know that there will be no killing nor destroying on the streets of Freeland", the man says.

"What gives you the right to make such laws, and who are you any way", Ms. Ghul asks.

"My name is Chief Hassan Shakur, and this is my city and in my city I do what I want", the Chief says.

"Well listen up Chief, I was hired to bring the Metas of Freeland down and into the Governments hands, they didn't say dead or alive, so if you want them alive you better find them before I do because my soldiers are trained to take them down, and by down I mean 6 Feet Under, so it's your choice", Ms. Ghul says picking up her gavel and hitting it on the podium, "Meeting adjourned".

She gets up and walks out of the door, her meta soldiers following.

"Okay team Move out, we need to find these metas before she does, this is a Meta Hunt Game, and the metas better pray we win", Chief Shakur says.

Once all of the Police Force has left the room, Chief Shakur pulls out his phone.

Black Lighting: Hello?

Chief Shakur: Aye man, you and your Family better be careful, the Meta Task Force is on the move and on the hunt, with one mission, to kill all metas, so be on the lookout.

Black Lightning: Seems like I should be looking out for you, the Task Force wouldn't be here if you didn't call them here.

Chief Shakur: Aye man, I didn't make that call, and besides I'm helping you now.

Black Lightning: By calling and telling me what I already know.

Chief Shakur: Well did you know they have pictures of your entire family, along with you team, and that tailor.

Jeff goes silent for a minute.

Black Lightning: We can handle ourselves, just hit me back when you're playing for the right team.

Chief Shakur: Look, I can only do so much, but I will send you a picture of the list of names they're going after. 

The Phone Hangs Up.

Chief Shakur: Hello.

He huffs then puts his phone in his pocket. He walks over to the board and takes about 5 pictures. In the doorway, Ms. Ghul stands watching.

"Handing information to the prey?", Ms. Ghul asks.

"That would make you a predator, and this is for my Police Force", Chief Shakur says.

"I like the sound of that, Predator, It makes me seem strong", Ms. Ghul says, "What I don't like is you giving advances to who I'm working against".

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