Chapter 17: Unpaid Dues

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When they get back to the sanctum, Lynn is there with TC. Jeff stares at her confused.

"What's going on, where's Erica?", Jeff asks.

"She's fine, she's in the other room", Lynn says.

"Why'd you bring her here?", Grace asks.

"TC decided that he still wanted to be apart of the team, if Erica is somewhere close by", Lynn says.

"Well it's good to have you back, but like Grace said, why here?", Jeff asks.

Lynn takes a deep breath then stands up and walks over to her desk and pulls out an orange envelope. Jeff looks at her nervously, but she only takes another deep breath and hands it over.

"What am I being sued?", Jeff jokes.

Lynn says nothing.

"I'm being sued!", Jeff asks trying to get the envelope open.

He opens the envelope and pulls out a note that reads:

Greetings, Whom ever this concerns, You have a team who came to Gotham, and since they've been here, they caused me more pain than I have ever experienced. However, they killed one of mine, now normally I would just kill one of them in return. But I have intel from 2 different sources who seem to also hate this team of yours, so with that being said, we're coming for you, I'm not saying when but you can best believe dues will paid.

- League

Jeff looks up from the note slowly.

"What does it say?, what are you being sued for?", Lynn asks.

"I'm not being sued", Jeff says handing the letter over to Lynn.

Lynn looks over the letter then looks up quickly. 

"They killed somebody!", Lynn yells.

"Who?", Grace says standing up.

"What is going on?", TC asks standing up.

"Our team in Gotham!", Lynn replies handing the note to Grace and TC.

"Who did they kill?", Gambi asks.

"It doesn't say", Grace says, "But who ever wrote this has a vengeance and they're coming".

"It says the League", TC says.

"The league, what league?", Gambi asks.

"The league of Assassins", Jeff says, "They're based in Gotham".

"So they killed a member of the League of Assassins, one of the deadliest teams in the world", Grace says.

"And now they're coming for us", TC says.

Jeff pulls out his phone.

"I'm gonna call them and get to the bottom of this, and tell them to come back NOW!", Jeff yells.

"Wait Jeff no, what if it's a trap, calling them back here could be just what the league wants", Gambi says.

"Gambi's right!", Lynn says.

"But if we don't get back up, we're sitting ducks", Jeff says.

"We don't even know if this legit or not", Gambi says turning to Lynn, "Who gave you this?"

"I don't know, I went to the house, because I wanted to see it before they cleared all the broken pieces out and it was in the mailbox, which is ironically, the only thing left standing", Lynn says.

"So there's no telling how long that's been in there", Jeff says.

"I mean the house just got torn down 3 days ago Jeff, so it had to have been within those 3 days", Lynn replies.

"Or it could have been placed in there by the person who was controlling the people who attacked Lynn", Gambi states.

"No, I'm confident that was Looker", Jeff says.

"Well we have to be sure that it was Looker, who attacked me and not the league of assassins", Lynn says.

"And how do we do that?", Jeff asks.

"We could try to get the controlling liquid stuff out of one of her minions, if they are connected to her, we could follow them right to her, she can't deny it, if it leads straight to her", Gambi says.

"And how do we do THAT?", Jeff asks.

"How did you do it last time?", Gambi asks

"Lynn made a serum, which we gave to them and the liquid came out of their body", Jeff says.

They turn to Lynn.

"Can you whip us up some more", Gambi asks.

"I don't know because that took a lot of time", Lynn says.

"I'll help", Grace states.

"Alright, but how are you gonna give it to them?", Lynn asks.

"Just like we did last time....Coffee", Jeff says.

"No that won't work, we need to give it to every teacher at that school, there's no telling, who Looker is controlling", Lynn says.

"But how?", Jeff asks.

"A party", TC speaks up.

"A Party?" Jeff asks.

"Yeah, like a mandatory Teacher Conference Party, you could put the serum in the punch bowl, everyone will be drinking it", TC starts, "Me, Grace, and Gambi can scoop it up when it pours out of their mouths before making a big scene".

Jeff looks over at Gambi and Lynn who seem on board.

"Ok that's a good plan", Jeff says, "One problem, I don't know how to plan a party".

"Which is why you have an Assistant Principal, who's duty is to plan events like that", TC says.

"Which would keep her occupied, and not spying on me", Jeff says.

TC nods.

"Well looks like we have our plan", Jeff says, "get to it".

The next morning, Grace and Lynn goes to the sanctum to start making the serum. Jeff goes into work to meet with Assistant Principal Amanda Chase. 

"You wanted to see me sir?", Ms. Chase says.

"Yes, please come in", Jeff says.

Ms. Chase comes in and sits across from him.

"Ok so I got word from the superintendent, that our test scores have skyrocketed and it's all thanks to our teachers and administration", Jeff says.

"That's amazing", Ms. Chase says.

"Yes it is, so with that being said, I would like to repay everyone by throwing a Celebration Bash here in the gym", Jeff says.

"And you want me to plan it?", Ms. Chase asks.

"If you will", Jeff says chuckling.

"Of course, I will get right on it", Ms. Chase says.

"Thank You, and can you do it for this Friday after school", Jeff says.

"yes sir", Ms. Chase replies.

"And also make it mandatory because I will be announcing Teacher/Administration of the Year", Jeff says.

"Do I have a shot a winning", Ms. Chase jokes.

"If you plan one hell of party, the award is yours", Jeff jokes back.

Ms. Chase starts laughing.

"The party will be so great, you won't even remember what happened the next morning", Ms. Chase jokes walking out his office.

"You won't, but I will", Jeff says to himself.

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