Chapter 12: Crisis Continues

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Jeff and The Crisis Team sit at the sanctum, trying to figure out why the seismic patterns have been following Jeff and his team.

"This is so weird!", Supergirl says.

"Maybe it's not!", Martian says, "This machine that's carrying all of this power, has to be controlled by someone, it's a stretch but maybe that person keeps the machine nearby, so when he moves around Freeland, the machine is sending off different seismic waves at each location".

"But that still doesn't explain why the person would be near Jeff and his team", Superman states.

"Actually it does, this person obviously knows your secret and he's possibly stalking you to figure out the best time to strike", Hawk says.

"That's true, but for now I suggest we form stakeout teams, to see if we can stalk whoever is stalking Jeff", Flash says.

Just then Brandon, Erica, and Grace walk down the stairs. Erica walks up to give TC a hug before sitting down. 

"Team, this is the Crisis Team, Crisis Team, this is my team", Jeff says introducing them.

They nod and wave at each other.

"So what's going on?", Grace asks.

"The Crisis Team is here because there's a weird seismic power source, capable of ripping the earth in half", Jeff says.

"Woah, do you have any leads as to where this power source is at?", Erica asks.

"No but we do know that the person controlling it, is watching us", Jeff says.

"Watching us like, surveillance?", Brandon asks.

"Watching us like following/stalking us", Jeff says.

Just then TC eyes turn green.

"What?", TC says.

Everyone turns to look at him.

"Now?", TC asks.

"TC what's going on?", Jeff asks.

"It's the seismograph, it's going Haywire, it's saying the Strong Seismic power is close like really close", TC says.

"The person must have followed you three here", Flash says pointing at Brandon, Grace, and Erica.

"Meaning he couldn't have got far", Supergirl says.

Everyone turns and runs out of the sanctum. But when they open the door, no one is there. 

"Where could he have gone that quickly", Jeff says.

"I don't know, I'm gonna go run around Freeland to see if I see anything suspicious, the rest of y'all get back inside before people see Jeff with all of these superheros", Flash says.

They walk back into the sanctum. 

"Any luck?", Gambi asks.

"No, there was no one out there", Jeff states.

"The Seismograph must be malfunctioning", Superman says.

The room falls silent for a minute.

"Well let's not just stand here, we have a stakeout to do", Batwoman says.

"Everyone suit down, we have to be incognito", Supergirl says. 

The team removes there suits. Jeff walks up to the map.

"Ok its 5 locations, and 11 of us", Jeff says.

"I'll stay here and watch over the Sanctum", Gambi says.

"Me and Kal-El can watch over Garfield", Kora Zor-El says.

Kal-El nods and he and Kora leave the sanctum.

"Me and Hawk can take Freeland Asylum", Martian says.

"That won't be necessary", Freeland Asylum is no more, it blew up", Jeff says.

"Well ok then, we'll take the safehouse then", Martian replies.

"I'm coming with you two", Kate says.

Martian, Batwoman and Hawk walk out of the Sanctum.

"TC and Erica, can take the Police Station", Jeff says.

The two get up and leave.

"And me and Grace can take my house", Jeff says.

Brandon stares in confusion.

"And what about me?", Brandon asks.

"You should stay here with Gambi, just in case someone comes to try to harm him", Jeff says.

"That's a good idea", Grace states.

"No it's just a way to keep me here, because I don't have control over my powers and I'm a liability", Brandon says, "Even though I have proved multiple times, I have control now".

"Look Brandon, you're just like Jenn, and Jenn thought she had control over her powers, then one slip up almost ended it all, I can't risk you losing control of your powers and causing harm to yourself and or others, you're a hothead, and you have a hard head and a soft bottom, and when you come crashing down you won't even know what hit you", Jeff says.

"Screw you!", Brandon says turning and walking to the saferoom.

Jeff shakes his head. Grace sighs.

"Give me a second", Jeff says and follows Brandon in the room. 

"I don't want your Pep Talks", Brandon says.

"I didn't have one to give, I'm coming to you man to man", Jeff says.

"Oh I'm a man now, you're coming to me man to man yet you continuously treat me like a child and always bench me", Brandon says, "And for what to protect me or save your own ass".

"I do it for Jenn", Jeff finally speaks up.

Brandon falls silent.

"Excuse me?", Brandon asks.

"I said, I do it for Jenn, You and her both never think before you act, and with that kind of attitude, you never know what you two my do, and it could possibly harm my daughter, and I don't think that's healthy, and you should want to have control over yourself before dating anybody at that", Jeff says.

"Your daughter can think for herself and obviously she thinks it healthy, it's you that can't let go, you tell her to grow up all the time, yet you treat her like a child as well, and for a while I thought you treat me shitty because you didn't like me but now I see, you just don't like me with Jenn when I've done nothing but make her happy, which doesn't make you a concerned father, it makes you an asshole", Brandon says. 

"You're right, which is why from this point out, since you don't want to take my advice, I'm not allowing you and Jenn to see each other anymore", Jeff says turning and walking out. 

He and Grace leave the Sanctum.

Brandon begins breathing heavy and clenching his fist. He walks out of the saferoom, toward the sanctum exit.

"Brandon where are you going?", Gambi asks.

"For a walk to let off some steam", Brandon says walking out.

Gambi scratches his chin thinking, he looks over at the seismograph again and it continues going haywire then starts decreasing. He looks at the map, that tracks everyone, and notices that the further Brandon gets the more the seismograph decreases. He then pulls up Brandon's file and looks over his powers.

"Geokinesis", Gambi says to himself, "the ability to manipulate stone, soil, and shape and affect it in any conceivable way".

Gambi scratches his chin again, and walks over to the map of Seismic Pinpoints, He then compares them to Brandon's last pinpoints and each one aligns. He quickly goes over to his computer. 

"Manipulate stone, soil, and shape, so he also hast the ability to create natural disasters such as Earthquakes", Gambi says quickly getting on the mic, "Jeff, this thing that has all of this power, isn't a machine after all, it's a person, and I think it's Brandon".

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