The Funeral

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Ponyboys pov:

As I sat on the couch waiting for Darry and Sodapop get ready, I looked at an old picture of Johnny and Dallas when they were younger, it was them both in our backyard sitting in the back of the trunk of the truck laughing.

It's been two weeks since Dally and Johnny died. When I lost two friends in one night, watching their last breath... watching the life in their eyes slowly turn into nothingness.

The front door opened to reveal the rest that was left in our gang, Twobit and Steve, they both walked in wearing the only appropriate clothes for a funeral, I seen that Twobit had brought his seven year old sister along she wore black tights with a black dress, she looked exactly like him.

"I'm babysitting her for today, my moms at work, and I can't leave her all alone."

Twobit had no more light in his eyes. Ever since Dally and Johnny died, he hadn't cracked a joke, and his laughing eyes had a dark storm in them.

Soda walked in all ready for the funeral.

Just like Twobit, Sodapop's recklessness grin hadn't been in sight, and his happy go lucky personality was gone. It was as if he was a different person I have never met before. His heart had been broken since Sandy left him right after the death of Dally and Johnny.

I didn't even know if the old Sodapop I used to know would ever come back.

Soda sat beside me on the couch as Steve and Twobit sat on the floor.

Darry then walked in. we all looked at him as he gave us a weak smile. His cold blue eyes had turned more cold, for Darry he didn't let the matters that had happened stop him from doing things it like he said "You don't just stop living because you lose somebody." And that was exactly what he was doing.

Steve had seemed to be more quiet. He didn't do the usual backflips over the fence any more, he never hollered in excitement and ate less chocolate cake than he used to.

For me, I don't know to be honest, I just feel lost, I wasn't in the track team anymore because I had missed almost all of the track meets, I could hardly focus at school and I was almost flunking. I knew I had to get things straight, but how can you when you just gone through an unforgettable moment that will haunt you like a ghost.

"Alright, let's go." Darry sighed.

We all went to the truck, the drive was silent, the usual Elvis songs weren't playing on the radio, no music played, no laughs were heard, and no smiles were seen.

The only visible thing we'd see today are tears and frowns. The sky was gloomy, and there was no trace of the sun as if Mother Nature was in greif like the rest of us. Maybe the sun died along with Johnny. I thought foolishly.

When we made it, we all got out of the car and walked into the funeral home silently, we were the first ones there...or the only ones there.

We sat there for a moment waiting for the funeral conductor who didn't know or even care about Johnny and Dallas to give out a eulogy.
As he walked in, I looked around to see if either Johnny or Dally's parents showed up.

None of them were in sight, I should've known they wouldn't come, none of them cared about them, they were cold blooded awful no good people who had no heart, Johnny didn't deserve to have sixteen years of his life being abused wanting, wishing for love from his parents.

Johnny deserved loving parents, caring parents, who always wanted to treat him with respect and raise him the right way.

I wondered if Dally's parents ever cared for him, would he be more like Darry. Maybe if the people who raised him actually cared for him, he might have.

When the funeral conductor finished with his eulogy, it was now time for us to say our goodbyes to them for the very last time.

We went up one by one, first Darry, then Soda, who had started to sob uncontrollably, Then Twobit with his kid sister and Steve. Lastly , I went.

I first went up to Dally. Even at rest, he had looked tough and tough. Flashbacks of the night he died replayed. He had an elaborate plan that night, which was to die. And Dallas Winston always gotten what he wanted.

I then walked up to Johnny, he still had burns on his neck and he looked pale, he was at peace, without no more worries if he should sleep at the lot or at our house, No worries on when Socs and Greasers would be forever gone to the world.

I had stared at him for a while, wondering why I wasn't bawling like Soda, I wanted to, but my eyes weren't wet. Instead of the tears pouring down my face. I felt nothing. It's just a stinging pain in my heart.

It was now time for them to be burried, we watched as Darry and Twobit placed their caskets down nicely on the six feet whole. Sodas' face was buried in Steve's shoulder sobbing, I held Twobit's little sister's hand as she looked blank with no clue what was going on. I looked beside Dallas and Johnnys tombstones to see they were buried next to my parents.

I had then realized it had been four months since they had died. It felt like years though, I have lost four people I cared about in one year, I guess my luck wasn't so good, or maybe the world was out to get me. Who knows why my parents, Dally and Johnny, died in the same year.

Soon, the funeral was over. As we drove off, I knew things would get harder, I had that awful feeling in my gut, knowing it was time to move on....

(So as I'm writing "The Sunset That Never Dies" an Idea of this occurred to me, so now I will be multitasking two stories. I really hope you guys like this, I know it was probably cheezy. I will try to get the next chapter published soon.
-Stay Gold 💛)

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