First Date Many Troubles

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I got ready for the date with Cherry, I decided to take a bunch of pain killers cause I had an Awful headache...more of a migraine thumping on my head right where I got my stitches.
Even though It was making me feel dizzy and sick to my stomach I knew I couldn't cancel this....It was important to me.
A way for me to forget my past...I needed to.
I don't want to think a single bit of Johnny and Dallys death nor my parents.
I walked in the living room to see the gang looking at me weird.
"What?"I asked
"What's up with the clothes your wearing...Going to church?" Twobit said
"No...I'm actually going to a date." I smiled
"With who?" Steve asked
"Cherry Valance."
"The Soc? Oh that ain't gonna go well Ponyboy."
"It will...just you wait."
I then walked out of the house.

Me and Cherry met at the dingo, we sat in a booth eating fries and Burgers with milkshakes she got strawberry, I got Chocolate.
"So, Ponyboy how's the gang?"
"Not that good, Sodas still a bit torn up about Sandy, Darrys working harder than he usually does pulling tons of his muscles and Twobit and Steve ain't just the same....We all ain't the same." I sighed
"I'm sorry."
"It's alright, Well get by someday."
"How about you?"
"I mean...if you want me to be honest, not that good; I mean I try lying to myself that I'm alright and Things will be the way how they used to but, I know they won't, I don't know where I'm going Cherry, I don't even think I ever will."
"You will, You just gotta move on, I gusse."
"Easier said than done."
We stood silent for a moment.
"I sure hope my brother doesn't spot me with you...He'll be mad."Cherry said suddenly
"You have a brother? Older or younger?"
"Older...He's in college. I don't think you should worry though, he's probably out with his firends deep in the south side of town."
I nodded and continued to eat.

After we ate I decided to take her to the Nightly Double, we sat deep in the back, I sat down next to Cherry as we watched the movie.
"Should we get some popcorn and cokes?" Cherry said
"Oh yeah, here's some money." I gave her a two dollars.
She stood up and left.
'What if she wanted you to get the popcorn idiot?' I thought dully. I face palmer myself realizing she did want me to get it. I should've went Not her I have to be a gentleman, not like Twobit.
Moments later of me shaming myself, Cherry came back with some popcorn and cokes.
"Thanks Cherry."
"No problem." She sat down and we both sat there silently watching the movie, A cold breeze hit us making Cherry shiver, I in the other hand remembered to bring my sweater. I looked at Cherry, She looked freezing. But I'm to nervous to give her my sweater, what if she doesn't want it.
I finally took the risk on giving her my sweater.
She smiled at me "Thanks"
"No problem" I blushed.

Thirty Minutes in the movie the migraine I've been having had came back to haunt me.
I wish I brought some pain killers. The pain felt sharper than before and My eyes felt heavy.'Don't you fall asleep Ponyboy, You can't Your in a Date Right now'
I shook my head helping my drowsiness.
Suddenly a strong grip was on my shoulder. My eyes widened, it didn't look like Twobits hand nor any of the gangs.
"Sherri! what the hell are you doing with this greaser?"
I looked up to see it was her brother. He was tall and had red hair and pale green eyes, the kind I dispised.Oh boy now I'm in for it. "Leave us alone Gary, I'm not looking for a problem with you tonight."
"Seems like you are, when your hanging with this no good Grease ball." He hissed at me.
Gary gripped me harder and pulled my chair back making me nearly fall.

Everyone at the drive in was staring at us now. I didn't know what to do, I just sat there thinking of something but nothing came to mind, especially with the awful pain in my head.
"Do you speak little Greaser?"
"He can't speak he's to stupid." One of his firends hissed. "Leave us alone please!" Cherry begged.
"I'll leave you two alone till this fella of yours speaks, what's your name?" "Ponyboy" I mumbled "What kind of a stupid name is that? I bet your parents are stupid as you, no wonder you live out in a poor side of town." "MY PARENTS ARE SMARTER THAN YOU, SEEM LIKE YOU GOTTA IQ OF A GOLD FISH YOU PEICE OF TRASH!" I spit at him, I stood there for a moment realizing I said that out loud, with no hesitation I got up quickly from the chair he was grabbing, I then grabbed Cherrys hand and we both ran. I knew her brother was chasing us by know, I wasn't running like the way I usually do because the migraine I had was making me dizzy.

Me and Cherry ran for about eight blocks until Gary had corner us in an alleyway.
Well I gusse I'm done for.
We watched as he and his firends slowly walked up to us.
"No, You better not mean what you said." "I did and I ain't taking it back." I said, What was I thinking? I'd never do this, Why didn't I just keep my trap shut like I always do?
"You just planned your funeral greaser." Gary then grabbed a switchblade and opened it.
I wasn't afraid, I couldn't be, I didn't have the time to be.
"Gary...." Cherry said "Stop please! Ponyboy didn't mean to didn't you Ponyboy?"
I stood silent, I looked around to see of there were any glass bottles and luckily there were, I grabbed the nearest one and broke it.

"Ponyboy!" Cherry yelled.
For a moment I remembered the night I told Cherry I'd never use one on someone, How I'd never cut anyone. I stood there and stared at the bottle and back at Cherry.
'What was I thinking?' I thought to myself.
I realized I was dozing off for to long for the next thing I knew I was pinned against a brick wall making me drop the glass bottle I had in my hands.
Gary put the knife right on my cheek and sliced it. I winced in pain feeling the blood slide down cheek.
"Gary!" Cherry yelled.
"Take my sister to the car boys...She doesn't need to see this." He smiled evily.
His firends grabbed Cherry and dragged her to his red mustang that was right infront of the alleyway she struggled but it was no use.
"Now, Time for you to shave...Ready Ponyboy?"
I did nothing but shake my head no. "Would you like it under your chin? Or how about right on your neck?" He said in an overly friendly tone.
"No!" I yelled pushing his hand away.

He laughed making the awful smell of alcohol sting my nose.
I tried breaking free realizing he could kill me.
He nearly lost grip but when I had the chance to run he pinned me on the wall once again punching my stomach making the wind knock out of Me.
"So you want to run away huh? You just made it harder for yourself." "HELP!" I yelled

Suddenly Gary pulled me towards him and swung me against the wall, My head hit the wall hard making me feel more drowsy than I felt before.
I realized I was blacking out, I fought back knowing this wasn't the time.
I kicked him on the shin as hard as I could causing him to whimper in pain. Now it was my time to run. I ran as fast as I could feeling dizzy and sick hoping that I'd lose Gary and his firends. I didn't look back even though I heard footsteps from behind.

A couple of blocks later I knew I lost them but I knew I had to keep running till I made it back home. As I made a turn I bumped into someone, I looked to see it was Twobit.
"Ponyboy why are you in a hurry?" Twobit asked, he then saw the condition I was in and looked shocked.
"Who did this to you, We're you jumped?" I didn't awnser everything was spinning around. I tried to speak but I could barley make sense out of a sentence. Before I knew it the ground rushed up to me like it did before.

Moving On (Outsiders Headcanon Story)Where stories live. Discover now