Its No Fair

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Ponyboy Pov:
I woke up to the sound of beeping....Oh I know where I am after hearing that dozens of times. I opened my eyes to the bright light and shut my eyes again, A lite stinging pain was on my head, I groaned.
The memories were slowly flooding realizing I got nearly beaten up to death by Cherrys brother Gary.
"Ponyboy?" Sodapop's voice softly mumbled as I felt him grab my hand, I squinted looking at him. He and Darry Both looked exhausted.
"So...Soda?" My voice was week, I knew that meant I was probably out for more than a day.
"How long have I been out?" I asked
"Well, Twobit found you on Wensday night,, you kept dozing in and out for about three days today's Saturday." Darry said
"Great...There goes more missing assignments I need to do." I stood silent for a moment, I then suddenly burst into tears.
"It's not fair!" I cried
Soda and Darry hugged me.
"What's not fair honey?" Soda said softly.
"It's not fair how no matter what we do about socs jumping us and coming on our side of the town, they still do it! It's not fair how after all what we've been through with Mom and Dad's death we lost Johnny and Dallas! Why is everything against us? What did we ever do to deserve this? I just want Mom and Dad back! I want Johnny and Dallas Back! I want our lives back!" I sobbed harder.
"Well Pony, sometimes people end up getting the in awful situations that they don't deserve, it just happens but, the thing that matters is how are you gonna make it the hard days effect you." Darry said 
"You just gotta keep on, because eventually things will get better." Soda added
"But, you can't  sit and wait for it, you gotta make those better things happen."
"I'm scared, After this whole thing, I catch myself not caring, I catch myself being rude and disrespectful, I'm slowly getting to become how Dally was...And Johnny, I promised him I wouldn't change the way I am, but it seems like it's out of my control." I sniffed
"Nothings out of your control, if you think it is it will be but if you believe it's depended on you, then it is. It all on what you believe what's possible not what seems impossible." Darry said
"I just want to be the way how I used to be, I just want us to be happy."I sighed
"You will and we will too, When we get home things are gonna be better, no more fighting, no more disagreements." Darry smiled
"Yeah." I weakly smiled
"Well, Since you seem to be all better I gusse we can go home." Darry then left the room.
"How long did you guys sleep?" I asked Soda
"Barley but hey at least your alright." He grinned
"Well I gusse now I'm gonna have to make sure you two don't wonder about to work with no sleep."
"Oh, don't worry Darry will most likely hibernate in his room while I sleep for a while."
"Yeah" I slightly laughed

Soon I was able to go home with Darry and Soda, I forced them to go to bed and catch up with their rest because they were both insisting that they make lunch, I told them I could and they went to bed.
Before I made lunch I went in the bathroom to check myself in the mirror. I had a faded purple circle on my right eye and a near scar on my left from the switchblade Gary pulled on me.
The scar I had reminded me of Johnny, he had a scar the same place where I did now.
I shrugged it off not wanting to think about anything that had happened and went into the kitchen.
As I started to cook dinner I heard the door open, I peeked knowing if I didn't Twobit and Steve will pull off the trick they did last time.
"Hey Ponyboy!" Twobit messed my hair.
"Hi guys." I smiled
"How you feeling?" Twobit asked
"See You gotta new scar there." Steve pointed at my left cheek.
"Yeah." I looked down feeling a bit self conscious
"Makes you look tough." Twobit smiled
"Well thanks alot. Want some lunch?"
"Of course we do!" Twobit and Steve sat down on the kitchen counter as I cooked dinner.
"That Socs really did beat the shit out of you." Steve said
"Yeah, It's exactly what I needed after what's happened for the past weeks" I mumbled
"Don't worry, He got what wad coming to him." Twobit took a beer from the fridge.
I stood there wonderful what they had meant by that the it occurred to me.
"You guys didn't..."
"Oh yeah we did, Gary beat you nearly to death so me,Steve and the Shepards did." Twobit said
"Oh no, Now Cherrys gonna think I told you guys to do that." I groaned
"Don't worry she wouldt think of you like that Pony, She'll understand. You know when you were at the hospital she came to your place, Since Soda and Darry weren't around me and Steve were in you place making sure no "robber" comes in." Twobit took a sip of his beer.
"She came in so apologetic, Saying how she regrets not telling you before the date and how she would've done more to stop Gary and things like that."
"Well it ain't her fault she's got a brother who hates us." I mumbled
"Yeah, You would've saw the look on Gary's face, he was almost crying."
"Twobit! If you do something like that again your gonna be the one almost crying." I said
"What do you mean we did you a favor, he's not gonna mess with you anymore."
"I know you meant well but sometimes violence isn't gonna solve everything."
Twobit stood silent.
"Alright, I understand." He sighed
I grabbed some plates and started to serve.
"I'm sorry Twobit, I'm just... I'm just frustrated that's all."
"I know, I'd be the same way after going though alot like you did."
I gave him and Steve lunch and walked to the living room.
I wasn't hungry that much, The worries of what Cherry will think of me were floating around my head.
What if she doesn't want to talk to me anymore....

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