Where Can He Be?

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Twobit's pov:
As time flew by it was finally lunchtime as I waited next to Ponyboy's locker the crowd of teenagers started to grow smaller. As the halls became empty I started to worry where he had gone. I walked around the whole school for the entire lunch period but there was no luck he was no where to be seen. As the crowd of teenagers started to grow again I seen Cherry walking through the halls with Marcia I walked up to her hoping she knew where he was "Hey Cherry, have you seen Ponyboy, he wasn't at lunch at all and I searched the whole school he's nowhere."
"I seen him before lunch, he didn't seem like himself, He also was walking the opposite direction from his class, other then that I have no clue where he went."
"Alright, thanks Cherry." I walked out of the school, heading towards my car, I planned to search around all of Tusla to find him, I just hope he's alright, it's not like him to skip school.

Ponyboys pov:
I got out of the bus looking around, I was in a small town, with normal looking people, there seemed to be no Socs or Greasers in sight just Plain ordinary People. I had spare money which meant I could afford some food but not a place to stay. I walked to their gas station into their little shop they had, I grabbed a Pepsi,Candy bars, and a bag of chips, I walked to the cash register and place everything on the counter a old man rang the things up
"Sir, I'm sorry to ask you this but where are we?" I asked
"In Texas of course, you okay son? I never seen you around our town till today."
"Oh, I'm alright, I just moved in." I lied, I then grabbed my things and walked out of the store. I decided to kill some time by walking around the town.
It seemed like a nice town there were kids at the local park playing, Kids my age hanging around listening to music and Families eating ice cream having a good time, it was as if I was transported to a sitcom, where everything was perfect and everyone fit in.

It soon had gotten dark and the streets were now empty, I found an alleyway where I could hang around, Luckily it wasn't cold so I slept peacefully as the night was young.

Sodapop's Pov:
I woke up to the door swinging open, at first I thought it was Ponyboy but to my surprise it was Twobit, he looked in a panic. Darry stood up from his chair and walked up to Twobit concerned "You okay Twobit?" He asked. "Oh Darry, Ponyboys missing, we were at school and we went our separate ways to class and during lunch he wasn't in sight... I tried looking for him all over town but there was no luck. I'm so sorry, it's my fault, I would've kept my eye closer to him."
"Hey, Hey, calm down, we'll just, report it to the police and see what we can do from there."
"But Darry, if we tell the cops instead of sending Pony back to us they'll split us up." I said trying not to cry.
"Your right, well we better get searching from every nook and granny." Darry grabbed his keys and off we went to the truck. I hoped and Prayed that Ponyboy was alright, I don't know what I'd do if I lost another person I loved, especially if it was my own kid brother.

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