Lifes' Crashing Down

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Ponyboys Pov:
I woke up with the awful pain in my arm once again. I slowly stood up, wincing.
I looked to see that Soda was already awake.
I drowsily walked to the bathroom, getting ready for the day.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I was a mess, Bruises all over my face, my eyes swollen followed by cuts. I walked out the bathroom to see everyone giving me sympathetic looks. "Morning Pony...How ya feeling?" Soda walked up to me.
"My arm hurts." I grabbed onto my left arm. "Don't worry little buddy, I'm taking you to get that arm checked." Darry said "What the hell were you doing around the soc side if town anyway?" Steve asked
"I was walking Cherry back to her place." I sighed
"You should've carried a blade." Darry mumbled as he turned to the next page of the newspaper he was reading.
"Hey, leave my kid brother alone, he was just being a gentleman, It's not his fault socs love to jump gresers." Soda gave me a smile that I hadn't seen in a while.

I walked to the couch sitting besides Twobit. "Speaking of your girl Cherry. How's it going, you guys moving to the next level?" Twobit nudged me causing me to wince in pain.
"We're taking it slow." I gave a slight smile. "That's a good thing, Going fast never solved anything." Soda said as he put on his DX cap on." "Well, Let's go, we're opening up the station today." Steve said.
Soda said His goodbye and walked out.

Darry got up and grabbed his keys "C'mon I'm taking you to the doctors to get that arm checked." I followed him to the car and off we went.

The whole car ride was dead silent, I felt guilt rush into me, Why can't you talk to Darry? 

We walked in the building at sat in the waiting room, the whole time I held onto my arm to help the pain.

"Ponyboy Curtis." The nurse called, Me and Darry got up and followed the nurse to the small room. "Dr. Ferris will be with you in a minute." She smiled as she left the room.

About two minutes later he came in "So what seems to be the problem?" He asked "My arm, it feels broken." I explained
He grabbed my arm and pressed into the bone causing me to wince. "Okay Ponyboy, we're gonna be taking a few X-rays, follow me."

We did the X-ray, I went back into the room I was in before and he soon came back with the results "They're broken alright." He said showing us the photo. "How long will it heal?" Darry asked "About a month, don't worry it'll be faster than you think." He said as he put on a car around my arm. 'I sure am gonna look tough now' I thought sarcastically.

When we made it back home, I tried reading a book holding it with one hand, which was more complete than I thought.
Each Time I tried using the broken arm a awful pain lurched, So I had no choice.

Twobit came in and looked at me, A moment of pity came into him "Really is broken huh?"
"Yeah...Doc said I'll be alright in a month" I sighed
"Don't worry kid, you look tough with that cast on." He patted my head "Yeah right."
Soda and Steve then walked in
"Oh Ponyboy." Soda gasped
"It's alright,I'm fine."
"How long?" "A month."
"The socs sure are gonna pick on you now." Steve said
"No they ain't, for now on Ponyboy ain't gonna go out alone." Darry said
I groaned. "Don't worry Pony, I can watch ya." Twobit smiled

The phone started to ring, Darry went to pick it up.
"Hello?... This is Darry...Yeah he's here...Ponyboy it's Cherry." I got up and took the photo. "Hello?" "Hey Ponyboy."
"Hey Cherry." "Umm....Ponyboy, I called you to tell you..."
She sounded hesitant.
"What is it?" I asked
"I- I think we should stop hanging out." I froze
"How come?" "Well... Randy told me his firends jumped you last night...I- I feel like I'm at fault." She sighed
"It's not your fault though Cherry...Please, it doesn't me we can't hang out." I tried to not sound desperate "Well it's my decision Ponyboy...I'm sorry...Goodbye." She then hung up.

I hung up the phone and walked back into the living room, The gang looked at me.
"What did she say?" Soda asked
"She doesn't want us to hang out anymore." I said blankly
I was planning to ask Cherry to be my girl before this happened, I gusse that's under the bus. "Oh Ponyboy...I'm so sorry." "It's alright...I didn't need her anyway...I'm going to bed." "But it's six in the afternoon." "I'm tired." I lied.

I went into my room already feeling tears forming in my eyes. I loved her. She was the first girl I liked...I wanted her to be my girl, Just when I thought things were getting better. Just when I believed I can finally have a normal life with no worries.

I gusse that kind of life is just not for me...

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