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Present Day:

Keep running. Keep running; don't stop George told himself as he climbed a fence to get away from the Ghoulies that were chasing him. He stumbled to the ground but quickly got up, looking back at the fence that the undead walked mindlessly into. He took a deep breath and adjusted his backpack on his back. He quietly made his way out of the alley, looking both ways to make sure there weren't any threats before jogging to his destination. George walked up to a house, knocking a certain pattern before rolling his eyes "Karl! Let me in!" he called, annoyed it was taking this long. After another minute the door finally opened after all the locks were unlocked "Took you long enough"

"Sorry I was making your ungrateful ass food. You're welcome" Karl said, still embracing George in a quick and friendly hug "Glad you're back," he said and opened the door wider for George to come in. George walked in and saw Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo playing a game of BS, like usual

"Where's Quackity?" George asked, waving to everyone as they all greeted him

Karl closed the door and sighed, gesturing up towards the back of the house "In our room, hasn't had enough energy to come out"

George nodded and started towards the back room, not worrying about the food Karl mentioned earlier; even though he probably needed it. He walked in the room, seeing Quackity laying in bed with his arm poorly wrapped, blood seeping through the cloth. George sighed and set his bag down at the edge of the bed, walking over to see he was awake.

"Ayyyee my man George, how you been?" Quackity smiled at George as if nothing's wrong.

"Better than you. You look like shit" George said with a soft smile, sitting in a chair next to the bed "Get up at all today?"

Quackity sighed and shook his head "No. Too tired" he complained

George rolled his eyes "You know it's your turn to watch tonight?"

He groaned and shook his head "I think I have a valid reason to get out of it" he said and glanced at his healing forearm

George glanced at him then rolled his eyes, going to his bag and opening it "I got you something"

Quackity watched and smiled brightly when George pulled out a bag of marijuana "Ayyyeee" he smiled and held out his other hand

George held it "Promise not to smoke it all in less than a day?" he asked, Quackity nodding and George eventually handing it to him "You're welcome"

"Thank you thank you thank you" Quackity smiled and set it down on the bedside table. Putting his head back down and looking at the ceiling

George watched him with a little bit of sadness in his eyes. Sad that his friend was hurt, and sorry that he couldn't protect him when he needed it. "I'm sorry," George said after a second of silence

"What? George saying sorry? That's new" Quackity laughed but shook his head "You have nothing to be sorry for, don't worry about it" he mumbled and closed his eyes

George shook his head "No, I should've been there-"

"George. It's no one's fault but mine. You're fine- can we just drop it?" Quackity said and glanced at him before taking a deep breath, putting his other arm over his face to hide "I'm fine- I heard that Karl was making food, you should get something" he mumbled through his arm.

George looked at Quackity sadly and hurt, getting up and walking back outside. When he turned the corner he saw everyone involved in a game of spoons "Who's winning?" George asked and sat in between Karl and Wilbur, noticing there was one spoon missing but no one noticed.

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