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trigger warning // derealization and descriptions of blood; a little bit of general underage drinking as well ( when you get to it, go to the SECOND ❗️ to skip. love you <3 )

Technoblade held ice to his jaw, sitting at the 'Bath & Body Works' counter with his feet up. He looked to the entrance of the store when Phil walked in

"You alright mate? How's your jaw?" he asked and walked up to him at the counter. Technoblade didn't respond "Why are you in Bath and Body Works?"

"Because it smells nice" Techno replied "What's going on? Where is everyone?"

"Uh.. well Niki, Puffy, and Minx are near JC Penny's. I think Skeppy's with them- I have no idea where Schlatt is. I think Quackity went to the casino and Ranboo isn't here"

"Well that's awkward" Techno sighed and took his feet off the counter

"Is it just me or is Ranboo and Quackity being weird?"

Technoblade shrugged "I don't know man. They can do whatever they want, I'm not their mom"

Phil rolled his eyes "Why does this always fall on me?"

"Because you're Dadza" Technoblade smiled a little

"Whatever. Take care of yourself while I'm gone- make sure to keep ice on it, you kind of got your ass kicked". Technoblade waved him off.  After Phil left, Technoblade sat in silence and thoughts for over an hour, until eventually getting up to wander the mall.

He made his way to the end of the mall, going into 'Barns & Noble' to find a book to read. When he walked up the inactive escalator and turned the corner, Ranboo was sat writing in a journal. It did startle Techno a little bit but he didn't show it, just walking up and standing in front of where Ranboo was sitting "Hey you're in my spot. Phil's looking for you. He thought you weren't here"

Ranboo finished whatever he was writing then closed the journal, looking up at Techno "Sorry I just needed somewhere quiet to go" he said and got up.

Technoblade sat down in his spot, grabbing a book from the table next to him and opening it "What're you writing?"

Ranboo shrugged "Nothing- just research..." he mumbled, then started to walk out

"You can stay if you want," Techno said, not looking up from the book "Phil is looking for you, so if you want to go tell him that you're not dead you can. Or you can hang out with the cool one in silence"

Ranboo looked at him, then at the exit, then back at Techno

"Well make up your mind before I change mine," Techno said with a small smile, flipping a page in his book

After a second Ranboo sat down on another couch across the room, opening his journal and continuing to write.

• • •

Quackity sat in the empty casino, drinking something he found the day before. He found a whiskey glass and poured it inside, choosing a seat at the blackjack table.

He heard the front door open, echoing throughout the empty and open casino. He barely glanced behind him, only realizing who it was when they spoke

"What'd you find?" Phil's voice rang through the empty building

"I think it's Crown Royal" Quackity answered, taking a sip of it and leaning his elbows on the blackjack table "Want some? Found the whole bottle; I can't finish it"

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