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Dream opened his eyes, George asleep next to him and still lazily wrapped in his arms. Dream sighed and after a second he quietly got out of his arms; slipping on a shirt and going downstairs.

He hopped down the stairs, seeing Bad with his morning coffee "Morning"

Bad looked up, putting his mug down "Good morning, you slept well"

Dream furrowed his eyebrows "What do you mean?" he laughed softly

"You just seem to be in a good mood, is all" Bad shrugged

Dream smiled and nodded slowly "Yeah we'll go with that- what breakfast do we have?"

"Uhhh... cereal, and leftovers from that one time Sapnap tried to cook" Bad smiled and took another drink of his coffee

Dream smiled and started getting some breakfast, not long after George stumbling downstairs "Hey guys"

Bad smiled at him "Good morning- you seem... tired"

"I am" he mumbled and walked over to Dream "I'm also hungry"

"So you're hangry" Dream smiled, but it just earned him a smack in the arm "Ok ok- here, finish mine," he said and scooted his bowl towards George

"No, I'm not going to steal your food" George rolled his eyes

Dream rolled his eyes as well "George. I'm fine, take it, seriously"

George gave him a skeptical look but eventually took the bowl of cereal, starting to eat his breakfast

After a long time Bad grabbed his small axe's "I'm gonna go for a walk" he said with a smile

"Oh- okay, are you good?" Dream asked

Bad nodded "Yeah, I'll be fine- I'll probably be back within the hour"

Dream nodded carefully "Alright- if you need me use the walkie," he said, grabbing one walkie-talkie that sat on the counter and tossing it to him "Be safe" Dream added

Bad caught it and nodded, smiling and giving a wave before heading out like he said he would

"Wow, you guys are so chill" George mumbled. He was sitting on the counter, dangling his feet and leaning on the cabinets

Dream shrugged "We are all capable of killing someone if we had too"

"Even BadBoyHalo?" George asked with a laugh

Dream nodded and smiled "Even BadBoyHalo" he answered and looked at George "What do you wanna do today?"

George shrugged "I don't know- what is there to do?"

"Well, we can go cause chaos in the city and go Ghoulie hunting... or we could sit inside and chill" he smiled "Maye I can teach you how to be more proficient with crossbows"

George rolled his eyes "I can use a crossbow"

"Not very well" Dream challenged

"You bet your ass- okay-" George said and hopped off the counter "Go get your crossbow"

Dream put his hands up and smiled "You sure Princess?"

George rolled his eyes and nodded, crossing his arms "Yes. Do you have targets?"

Dream smirked "Yes. How do you think we got good?" he laughed and turned around to go get his crossbow. He showed back up after about five minutes, holding a quiver and a crossbow- also a compound bow in his other hand

George smiled "Where are the targets?"

"Jeeze relax Oliver Queen-" Dream rolled his eyes "Follow me," he said and headed towards the back door, hoping George was following

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