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George found his way home after a while of replaying the past events in his head. He got up to the door and knocked the certain pattern- Karl opening the door quickly "Where have you've been-"


"No, no- where have you've been? Wilbur's out looking for you right now" Karl said, opening the door for George to walk in

"Well, that's not my fault. I got chased by Ghoulie's, thanks for caring" he said sarcastically as he walked through the door.

"We were worried, I shouldn't have to remind you that I care" Karl rolled his eyes, calling Tommy and Tubbo downstairs to greet George.

"George! I see why they call you 'George not found'" Tubbo said with a smile as he ran to embrace him in a hug "Where did you go?"

"Yeah man, you can't just disappear like that- I have too many women to deal with to be worrying about you" Tommy joked, also embracing George in a hug.

George laughed a little and sighed "I dropped my axe and it attracted a bunch of Ghoulie's so I booked it" he explained "I found a safe abandoned house and crashed there, sorry if I stressed anyone out" he said, leaving out the new people he met

"Not me, I'm never stressed, I'm perfect," Tommy said proudly. He patted George on the back and smile "Glad you're back man" he added

"You ran from Ghoulies at night? And survived?" Tubbo asked "Jeez that must've been terrifying"

"Speaking of which" Karl spoke up, "can one of you go find Wilbur? He has no reason to be out there anymore so" Karl said and looked at Tommy and Tubbo, both of them raising their hands to go. Karl laughed a little and nodded "Well go get anything you'll need, I'll radio him and see where he is" he said as Tommy and Tubbo raced up the stairs

"Dang their like brothers" George smiled at them then looked at Karl, who still seemed annoyed with him "Oh come on- I'm alive aren't I?"

"Yeah, yeah- whatever" Karl rolled his eyes. He grabbed the walkie-talkie and radioed for Wilbur, asking where he was and explaining that George was back.

"Oh! Cool- I'm just at the school, don't rush, I'm fine" Wilbur said through the crackling radio. Karl and George both listened and nodded to what Wilbur said, even though he couldn't see them.

Soon after Karl went back to check on Quackity "We don't have any dinner planned tonight! You'll have to fend for yourself!" Karl called. Not long after he disappeared Tommy and Tubbo came back downstairs

"You guys have everything?" George asked, instinctively taking care of them

They both nodded

"Alright; be safe. Did Karl tell you where Wilbur was?" George questioned

Another nod from the two late teenagers

"Alright- don't die, and try to be quick or you'll get Karl worried" George smiled, reaching over to the table next to the door to grab a walkie-talkie "Don't break it" he reminded and tossed it to them- Tommy catching it because of his height but also almost dropping it. They both left the house in search for Wilbur, leaving George alone in the house; or- he felt alone.

. . .

Later that night, after he told his story to Wilbur after he got home, George was in his room. Enjoying being home, but not being able to get the group of friends he met earlier out of his head. Or at least, that's what he was telling himself. Really, only one of those people was stuck in his head. And that one person was Dream.

Dream. Dream. Dream.

George tried to shake off the thoughts circling his head. However, he wasn't successful. The same thoughts, always circling back, until they just completely consumed his brain. George was deep in thought, flinching when he heard a knock on his window. George sat up and looked over, seeing the face he'd been thinking about all day. He looked at him confused, tilting his head but going over to the window and opening it "What the hell?"

"Ok, before you call me a creep or a stalker, I'm just over-observant" Dream said and looked at George

"How'd you know where I live?" George asked

"Well it's not that hard Gorgeous- I just saw the street you first started walking back on this morning, then looked for a house that was somewhat well kept; meaning that people were living in it. Plus, you should probably close your curtains when it's dark and your lights on, it's easy to see through the window- you're lucky it's on the second floor and the Ghoulie's focus on noise rather than sight." Dream explained quickly, almost quick enough for George not to notice what Dream called him

"Still doesn't explain why you're here" George rolled his eyes, leaning his hands on the window seal and looking at Dream outside.

Dream looked at him for a while until shaking his head and holding up an axe "You mentioned you didn't have a weapon. An apocalypse isn't a place for a pretty boy like you, especially if you are without a weapon"

"I have a weapon"

"Then you clearly don't know how to use it," Dream said and rolled his eyes "Take it," he said with a sterner voice

George hesitantly took the axe "Why do you care about it that much?" he asked and set the axe down under the window

"Well, I'd rather not be walking around one day and see you're body with a bloody skull laying on the sidewalk" Dream said "A pretty face like that shouldn't be ruined"

George stayed quiet for a while, looking at Dream and the now bandaged cut on his lip and eye "Well then neither should yours" he said, not quite realizing exactly what he said until later, but decided to stick with it and stay confident

Dream smirked, for once looking past George and into his room "Is this your house?"

"No, It's Karl's" George answered

"You say that as if I'm supposed to know who that is" Dream rolled his eyes

"Well you asked," George said with a hint of sarcasm

Dream kept his smirk and looked at him "Well, are you going to invite me in or what?"

"Ha- fat chance" George let out a laugh "You should get back to yours, do you have another weapon?"

"No" he answered and shrugged "I just gave you my weapon"

"Well, why would you do that? Don't you have to get back home?" George questioned. He enjoyed his company, a lot more than he cares to admit. However, logically, George shouldn't trust him, and he for sure shouldn't let him stay here with him- as much as he wanted to

Dream stayed quiet for a second too long to make it noticeable "Yeah, I'll go." He said and leaned away from the window. "Hope I see you around gorgeous" he winked, causing George to blush. Dream gave a quick and half-assed salute before jumping down onto the ground easily.

"How do you make it look so easy?" George called from his room with a smile down at Dream

Dream just laughed and shook his head "Lot's of practice" he answered, looking up at him before silently heading back to his house in the dark. George closed the window soon after he left, thinking about the interaction. He looked at the axe that was given to him. It was shorter than the last axe he would use, but it had a lot bigger blade. George picked it up and held it in his hands, liking how balanced it was and liking the design on the bottom of the handle. George looked back out his window and shook off the thoughts. After a second he turned off his light and finally got a good night's sleep

Words: 1319

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