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trigger warning // major derealization and death (you might hate me for this chapter :( but- to skip go to the SECOND❗️, i love you <3)

When everyone got back to Karl's, Dream took George upstairs to his room; letting him sleep and putting water next to his bed for when he wakes up

Dream walked back downstairs, seeing that everyone was talking in the kitchen. He walked over hoisted himself up on the counter, leaning his head on the cabinets

"Fucking hell-" he mumbled

Sapnap looked at him "Are you okay? You should put ice on... everything" he laughed a little

Dream shook his head "I'm fine"

"At least put ice on your eye, it's black" Bad said and studied the cuts and wounds covering Dream's face

"Fine" Dream mumbled, keeping his eyes closed and finally letting his headache consume his thoughts

Karl went and found ice cubes he had frozen before "Here," he said after he put them in a bag, handing it to Dream

Dream mumbled a quiet 'thank you' and put the ice to one of his many wounds

Karl was pacing back forth "What the heck was Quackity doing there? With Technoblade too? Siding with them and not helping George"

Sapnap walked up to him and grabbed his hand, making Karl stop in his tracks "I don't know. But calm down."

"Are you just okay with it?" Karl asked and looked at him

"No- but I'm telling you to relax. Freaking out won't fix anything" Sapnap said, giving him a reassuring smile "Come sit with me, I need to rest," he said, leading Karl to the couch to lay down; both of them cuddling with each other

Dream glanced at them, but it hurt his head to try and focus on things. He quickly closed his eyes again "Holy shit I can't even think-"

"Where does it hurt?" Tommy asked

Dream took the ice off his face, looking Tommy in the eyes "Tommy. My eye feels like it's about to pop out of my skull, I can barely breathe and my head is spinning. Take a fucking guess"

Tommy put his hands up in defense "Jeez- okay, sorry"

Wilbur laughed a little and looked at Dream "Is George okay?"

Dream didn't say anything for a while "I don't know. He hasn't been responsive" he mumbled, keeping ice on his eye now "Thanks for showing up by the way" Dream added

Wilbur and Bad shrugged "It's no problem man. You would've done the same for me" Wilbur smirked and went to grab some food

Right when things got quiet there was a knock at the door. Sapnap got out of Karl's arms, going to the door and seeing who it was.

Once he saw he immediately opened the door, grabbing Quackity by the shirt and pulling him inside. He pushed him against the wall "What the hell were you thinking?"

"Whoa whoa whoa- not how usually like to be pinned to the wall, especially with you-" Quackity said, putting his hands up and looking at Sapnap

Everyone got up, making their way to them to see what was happening

"Quackity. What the fuck?" Sapnap asked "Start talking"

"I'd prefer it if you let me go first," Quackity said and let his hands fall

Sapnap let him go, crossing his arms

"Okay. Is George okay?" Quackity asked

"You're lucky I'm letting you even say his name right now" Dream mumbled, leaning on the wall and looking over at Quackity

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