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trigger warning // fighting and violence ( when you get to it, go to the SECOND ❗️ to skip <3 )

Dream got up at around 4 am. By 'got up' I mean he started getting ready for his day at 4 AM- he had been awake all night. He grabbed a bag, putting all the smaller weapons he could find inside. Sapnap knocked on his door "Dream? You ready?"

Dream grabbed his bag and put it on his back, flipping the knife in his hand before closing it and putting it in his pocket, running a hand through his hair "Yeah. Get Bad" he said and walked out of his room. Once everyone was ready they headed to Karl's house around 5:30 AM, making sure to be quiet. They knocked quietly, waiting for only a minute or so until Tommy answered

"Morning" he mumbled annoyed, rubbing his eyes

"You ready?" Dream asked.

Tommy sighed and nodded, opening the door more for them to come in "Yeah. Everyone is" he answered "Are you guys?"

"Yeah, we need to head out soon- make sure you guys have everything," Sapnap said, walking into the living room and starting a conversation with Karl.

"Quackity still hasn't shown up?" Sapnap asked

Karl shook his head "I'm getting a little worried... but at least this time he left a note. Granted it wasn't very detailed, but it was something"

Sapnap laughed softly and nodded "I'm sure he can take care of himself"

Karl nodded slowly and took a deep breath "Yeah" he mumbled, pulling the strings on his bag to close it.

. . .

"We're here," Bad said, looking up when they got to a massive abandon warehouse. It was two or three stories and there were abandoned vehicles around the perimeter. It didn't look like there was anyone around, but the building was way too big to see anyone anyways.   

Dream felt his heart start to speed up as he looked at the destination. He started to feel the same as he did when he first found out George was missing. Sapnap looked over at him and put a hand on his shoulder "You good?"

"Yeah" Dream mumbled, "Let's split up we have walkies so just don't be stupid". Everyone nodded, Tommy and Tubbo going one way, Wilbur and Bad going another. Sapnap looked at Dream but Dream stopped him before he could say anything "I'll be fine"

Sapnap took a deep breath, then disappeared with Karl in a different direction than everyone else. Dream watched them go, he assumed it was around 9 AM considering where the sun was. He closed his eyes and pulled his axe out from the holder he had it in on his back, taking a deep breath before sneaking around towards the front door.

Tommy and Tubbo were in the building across the road, making sure everything went according to plan and no one was escaping. Sapnap and Karl were trying to get in through the roof and onto the second floor, while Wilbur and Bad were trying to sneak in through the back.

As Dream was sneaking to the front he passed a garage door, he looked inside but it was too dark to see anything. He made a mental note that that could be a way to escape if things go south. He went past and found a broken glass door, giving him easy access inside.

"Guys-" Tubbo's voice rang through the walkie-talkie "There are two people.. they look like they're arguing outside- wait- that's Quackity-"

"What?" Karl questioned, sounding confused

"Where?" Sapnap's voice asked quickly after 

"Furthest south garage door"

"Dream you're closest," Karl said

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