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"Where the hell are George and Dream?" Sapnap asked, looking around at the group of people they had gathered yesterday

"Fucking" Quackity spoke up

"Probably just still asleep" Karl shrugged, but still laughed at what Quackity said, giving him a high-five

"You guys are idiots-" Sapnap laughed softly

"You love us" Karl smiled, then looked around "Who has the balls to wake Dream up? With George, might I add"

No one raised their hand

"I'll do it" Techno mumbled and sat up from the couch. Techno walked up to his room, wiggling the doorknob but it was locked. He rolled his eyes, knocking on the door obnoxiously loud

After a few seconds, Dream opened the door "What?" he asked annoyed

"We need you downstairs" Techno answered and rolled his eyes "Hurry up"

Dream watched as he walked away, rolling his eyes and turning back around to George, who was just sitting up after being woken up

Dream walked back over, grabbing his jacket and slipping it on "Get up Princess"

"Quit calling me that" George rolled his eyes

"You love it" Dream smiled and leaned down, giving him a quick kiss "Come one, let's go"

George rubbed his eyes, after a few seconds getting up and somewhat putting himself together before heading downstairs with Dream

"Fucking finally" Sapnap rolled his eyes once he saw the two

"Oh I'm sorry that I slept" Dream rolled his eyes, walking over to him "Good fucking morning"

"Why are you swearing so much this morning?" Bad mumbled and frowned at him, leaning on the counter with Skeppy sitting on top of the counter next to him who was eating some food he found

Dream smiled then turned around to look at everyone; not even bothering to count how many people were there.

"Ok, lemme try this" Wilbur said and walked over to Dream, making his voice louder "Corpse, Callahan, Grayson, Foolish, Punz, Fundy, Hannah, Eret, Charlie, Sam, Connor" he introduced slowly, pointing to everyone as he said their names "Then, of course, Skeppy, Niki, Schlatt, Ranboo, Minx, Puffy, BadBoyHalo, Karl, Tommy, Quackity, Tubbo, George, Sapnap.. then everyone knows Dream and Technoblade" he finished "Oh! And I'm Wilbur"

"Holy shit that's a lot of people- how did you remember that?" Dream laughed a little

"I honestly have no idea" Wilbur smiled "Ok, everyone listen. We need a plan on how to get out of the city, how far away we need to get, and when we will leave"

Karl raised his hand "When we went to the power plant we assumed that we have less than a week, probably only like, a few days actually..."

"Also, Quackity, Skeppy, and I got a lot of supplies-" Bad spoke up, leaning over and lifting what looked like a trash bag, full "Food, batteries, water, everything that we all use to take advantage of and now would kill for it... we got it"

"When did you guys get home?" George asked, standing next to Dream

"Uhm, pretty late, I guess- probably 11" Skeppy shrugged

"Damn- alright" George laughed softly, crossing his arms

"Does anyone have any ideas or questions?" Wilbur asked

"Yeah- how do we know this isn't just a bullshit plan to kill us all?" Sam asked, looking at Techno

Techno took a deep breath, realizing that this question was targetted towards him "If I wanted to kill any of you, you'd all be dead. I wouldn't go out of my way to kill any of you. If you were in my way, that's different-" he said but Phil nudged him "Look, I'm not gonna hurt any of you. I promise" he said sincerely

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