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hiiii :) there it is, that's the end. don't think i'll do a sequel unless this story blows up, so we'll see; i might do bonus chapters if i get bored though

anyways, thank you for making it through to the end, i hope you enjoyed it- it was a lot of fun to write :) ... even though it was a roller coaster of emotions.
anyways, thank you again to whoever reads this, make sure to take care of yourselves and don't forget that i love youuu <3

edit: i uploaded a new book with original characters :). i'm really happy with it and if you liked this book you might enjoy my other one <3. it's called "autophobia" ... check it out 🫶 thank you :) <33

edit:  thank you guys so much for 5k reads, thats literally insane 😊🫶 love you all :)

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