𝚝 𝚠 𝚎 𝚗 𝚝 𝚢 𝚜 𝚎 𝚟 𝚎 𝚗

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trigger warning // fighting and lots of talk of weapons (go to the SECOND ❗️ to skip)

The next day went by quickly. They had found enough vehicles for everyone to use. The plan was still in place

"So we're leaving tomorrow morning?" Karl asked. Everyone and I mean everyone, was sitting in Dream's backyard, a fire in the middle of the group after the sunset

Sapnap nodded

"Is anyone else getting a weird feeling of sadness?" Karl asked and laughed nervously

Tubbo nodded and glanced at everyone, putting his hands to the fire and watching as it crackled "Yeah, it's a weird feeling"

The fire popped, sending burning coals towards Tommy who was sitting crisscross on the grass. He screamed and jumped up quickly.

Everyone shushed him

"Sorry- I was about to die if you didn't notice," Tommy said and pointed to the fiery embers that landed right where he was sitting. He started stomping on them to put them out, before sitting back down

People started conversing amongst themselves. Everyone had bonded pretty well- at least creating some level of trust.

Dream and George were sitting further away from the group. Dream was leaning on the wall of the house, with George's head on his chest as Dream played with his hair

"You okay?" George asked and glanced at Dream

Dream snapped out of his thoughts "What?"

"Are you okay?" George asked again

Dream continued to run his hands through George's hair "Uh- yeah- I'm fine"


Dream smiled a little and nodded "Promise" he whispered

"Hey Dream! Wanna entertain this idea?" Sapnap asked, walking up to the two

"What idea? Sorry I wasn't listening" he laughed softly

"A friendly and proper fight between you and Techno. People wanna see who would win" Sapnap explained

Dream reached over and grabbed his beer, taking a drink before putting it back down next to him "Is Techno up for it?"

"Uh, I think so" Sapnap shrugged "You can say no"

Dream looked at George, who seemed neutral to the whole thing, just shrugging. Dream sighed and looked back up at Sapnap "Sure, give me a second"

Sapnap smiled "Don't worry- nothing serious, just friendly competition" he reminded, then went back to the crowd to share the news

Dream sighed and looked at George "Gotta go"

"Don't get your ass kicked" George rolled his eyes and got out of Dream's arms

"You think I'm gonna get my ass kicked?" Dream smiled

"No. I'm just telling you to not get your ass kicked" George smiled back, standing up and holding out a hand to help Dream up as well

"Are you gonna watch?" Dream asked, taking his hand and standing up

George rolled his eyes "You mean am I gonna watch you be dumb?"

Dream just smiled

"There's nothing better to do. Plus, I trust Techno" George answered

"What-? You trust him?" Dream asked with a laugh "How come I didn't get your trust that quick"

"I just like Techno better," George said sarcastically with a smile "Go on, they're waiting for you," He said and patted a jealous Dream on the chest before walking over to the crowd

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