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George hadn't gone back inside after what happened. The rain stopped shortly after Dream left, so he sat in silence and contemplation. He watched the sunrise quietly; noticing a few birds chasing each other. He watched them with a sad smile until he heard a window open below him

"Hey, George! Are you up here?" Tubbo called up to him

"Yeah, why?" George said, getting up and walking towards the voice, climbing down and back inside, closing the window after him

"Well I came to wake you up and you weren't in your room. So I figured to check the roof" Tubbo explained

"Oh. Why did you need to wake me up?" George asked, running a hand through his hair and rubbing his eyes in a small attempt to keep him awake

"Wilbur wanted to know if you wanted breakfast" he answered

George nodded "Yeah I'll have something" he answered back, deciding to try and act normal "How'd you sleep?"

"Okay. Tommy and I stayed up for a bit; no later than 1 AM though" he shrugged as they both made their way downstairs

George nodded and smiled at their friendship "Wanna just stay inside today?"

Tubbo shrugged "Yeah- I don't think we need anything anyways"

"Here, get some breakfast," Wilbur said once he noticed Tubbo and George were downstairs "Good morning by the way"

George smiled a little and looked around, seeing that only he, Tubbo, and Wilbur were downstairs "Where is everyone?"

"Karl and Quackity are still asleep and Tommy is still upstairs" Tubbo answered, sitting at one of the barstools

"Should I go scare him?" Wilbur smiled brightly

Tubbo shook his head as Wilbur started walking towards the stairs "No- Wilbur-"

But it was too late. Wilbur was already up the stairs

"Oh, shit" Tubbo mumbled mostly to himself

George and Tubbo continued to talk until Quackity stumbled out of his and Karl's room

"Hey you're here" George smiled a little at him

"Mhm mhm- morning" Quackity mumbled tiredly, grabbing an apple and taking a bite

"Where's Karl?" Tubbo asked

"Uh- he's still asleep" Quackity answered "He's tired"

"Oh yeah?" George smirked a little and leaned on the island

Quackity just rolled his eyes and flipped George off. Everyone looked at the stairs when they heard a yelp from upstairs; then Wilbur's hysterical laugh

Tubbo started laughing and ran a hand through his messy hair "Oh my god-"

Wilbur came running down the stairs, covering his head as Tommy chased him with something in his hand "What the fuck-" Wilbur laughed, running through the living room "Ow- what even was that?" Wilbur asked once Tommy threw it and successfully hit Wilbur in the back of the neck

"Benson," Tommy said proudly

Tubbo's eyes widened "Benson?!" he set his mug down, getting up and grabbing the toy duck that he's had since the apocalypse started, holding him close to his chest "Don't throw Benson. Don't steal my shit" Tubbo mumbled angrily. He went back upstairs and when he returned Benson was no longer in his hands "He's hidden now"

Tommy rolled his eyes "He deserved it. He scared the fuck out of me"

"Oh come on, it was funny," Wilbur said in his defense, walking back to the kitchen

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